26 work results

3) 2716.0120 Body Works - Discovery Theatre; Cigs and Booze #1
X-333 WCVB Code 1 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Discovery Theatre Cigs + Booze / Car Show #1 Rec Date: 7-17-81 Air Date TBA;Anti-smoking raw footage spot, multiple takes, various angles; drunk driving raw footage spot, multiple takes, various angles.
28) 2716.0121 Body Works - #2
Dupe X-302 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Show #2 House Mix Master w/o Breaks;The Heart; three young people explore how it works; their words of advice: Don't smoke; Don't eat junk food; Excercise!;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Adam Stavisky, Rachael Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson,...;In the studio Adam Stavisky, Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton, William C. Brennan, Adelita S. Moore, James A. Lowell, John Nagy/Mark Holden, Howard Roiuse, Rob Roy, Dick McNamara, Cal...
7) 2716.0122 Body Works - #3 And #6
X-314 WCVB Code 3 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Shows #6 + 3 House Mix Masters w/o Breaks;The Ear; Respiration; three young people explore these parts of the body with Timothy Johnson. The summary is sung to a musical tune from Gilbert and Sullivan.;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Adam Staviskym Rachael Lerman, Dana Norto; Produced and Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson, ...
4) 2716.0123 Body Works - House Mix #4
Master X-318 WCVB Code 4 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Show #4 House Mix Master w/o Breaks;Bones; three young people explore the many bones in the body and the muscles that keep them together; they go sailing to understand how the muscles and tissue work together to k...;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Adam Stavisky, Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written By: Dr. Timothy Johnson, ...
5) 2716.0124 Body Works - #5;
X-317 WCVB Code 5 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Show #5 House Mix Master w/o Breaks;Muscles; three young people explore the three kinds of muscle tissue through experiments, experience and observation. Exercise and a regular diet build muscles. ;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Adam Stavisky, Rachael Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by: William c. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson,...
35) 2716.0125 Body Works - Ears #6
X-320 WCVB Code 6 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Show #6 - "Ears" Playback captioned;The Ear: Three young people explore the inner workings of ears, and hearing loss through the experience of companion deaf student.;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced & Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson, William C. Brenna...
6) 2716.0126 Body Works - Eyes #7
Master X-324 WCVB Code 14 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Eyes House Mix Master w/o Breaks #7 Rec Date: 5-5-80 Air Date: TBA;Eyes; Two young people explore how light acts as both waves and rays, and how these have effects on human eyes; they learn about Braille and how to "see" without sight. ;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by William C. Brennan; Written by Dr. Timothy Johnson, William C. Brenna...
10) 2716.0127 Body Works - Nervous System #8
X-325 WCVB Code 7 Series Title: Nervous System House Mix / Master w/o Breaks #8 Rec Date :7-2/80 Air Date: TBA;Nervous system; Two young people explore the way the brain and the spinal cord work together as a system of neurons; they experience a lie detector test and the life of another ...;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson, William C. Bren...
9) 2716.0128 Body Works - The Brain #9
X-33- WCVB Code 8 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: "The Brain" #9 House Mix Master w/o Breaks Rec Date: 8-26-80 Air Date: -;Slate: “The Body Works show no. 9 The Brain var: 2367 prod/dir: Brennan”. Title: “The Body Works”. Dr. Timothy Johnson teaches viewers about the human brain. Dr. Johnson in the ...;Credits: The Body Works with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by William C. Brennan; Written by Dr. Timothy Johnson, William C. Brennan...
31) 2716.0129 Body Works - The Skin #10
X-335 WCVB Code 9 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: "The Skin" House Copy for Dubs Show #10 Rec Date: 10-20-80 Air Date: -;The Skin; Two young people explore the largest organ of the body that protects and regulates many of body's functions; they learn about how sun and temperature affect skin's cel...;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced by: William C. Brennan, Adelita S. Moore; Directed by: James Field; Written by: Dr. T...
30) 2716.0130 Body Works - Body At Risk #11
X-344 WCVB Code 10 Master Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Body At Risk Mix Master No. Show #11 Red Date: 8-11-81;The Body At Risk: A range of interviews on the reasons that people give for smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol; special considerations are offered for the arguments that ad...;Credits: The Body At Risk; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced & Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: William C. Brennan, Dr. Timothy John...
17) 2716.0131 Body Works - Body in Motion #12
X356 WCVB Code 11 For Air Only!! Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Body in Motion House Master #12 No Breaks Rec. Date: 10-13-81;Body in Motion; two young people explore the ways in which athletes adopt long-term habits like a balanced diet, hydration, steady workouts as well as conditioning workouts; you...;Credits: The Body in Motion; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced & Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: William C. Brennan, Dr. Timothy Jo...
12) 2716.0132 Body Works - Body in Change #13
X367 WCVB Code 12 Air Tape Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Body in Change Master No Breaks #13 Rec Date: 1-10-82 Air Date: -;The Body in Change: Hormones; special guest Estherann Grace discusses the changes that hormones cause in teenage bodies; ;Credits: The Body In Change; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced & Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: William C. Brennan, Dr. Timothy Jo...
27) 2716.0133 Body Works
X352 WCVB Code 13 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: "The Ear" Red Date: [?] Air Date [?] - 82;The Body Works; Hearing through vibration is demonstrated for young students Dana and Rachel; Slinkys, bells ringing in bell jars, and waves through water and air contribute to ...;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Reachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced & Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson William C. Brenna...
20) 2716.0668 Health Beat - Babies - Every 10 Seconds
Master; Health Beat; Babies: Every 10 Second, WCVB code 2; X-850;Healthbeat; Babies: Every 10 Seconds; Dr. Timothy Johnson hosts a program that looks at a range of ways in which babies come into the world; Susan and Rick prepare for the birth...;Credits: Produced By: Pamela Bullard, Ann R. Steinetz; Written By: Pamela Bullard, Ann R. Steinetz, Dr. Timothy Johnson; Under the Medical Supervision of Dr. Timothy Johnson; Di...
21) 2716.0669 Health Beat - Babies - Babies
Master; Health Beat; Babies; New Audio 9-9-80; X-895; WCVB code 1; ch. 142; ;New Audio 9/9/90; Healthbeat; Babies: Dr. Timothy Johnson hosts a program that looks at a range of ways in which babies come into the world; Susan and Rick prepare for the birth...
18) 2716.0670 Health Beat - Smoke and Mirrors
Aircheck; Air Master; Health Beat; Smoke & Mirrors; Rec. date 4-8-97;closed captioned; Smoke & Mirrors; Healthbeat: Timothy Johnson talks about why people can't seem to break the cigarette smoking habit; the recommendations for changing behaviors...;Credits: Senior Producer: Debra Shapiro; Directed by: Dorothy Will; Segment Producers: “Teen Smoking” Debra Shapiro, “Addiction” Lisa Ziegler, “Quitting” Alison Mosher; Videogra...
23) 2716.0671 Healthbeat - Diagnosis Cancer
Health Beat Diagnosis Cancer; X6477;closed-captioned; Healthbeat Project Diagnosis Cancer; Diagnosis and treatment have been the primary focus of "the war on cancer" but medical community is now beginning to move ...;Credits: Produced by: Alison Mosher; Directed by: Bob Comiskey; Segment Producers: Debra Shapiro, Maggie Harper, Alison Mosher; Videographers: Art Egerton, Ken Sullivan; Editors...
16) 2716.0672 Health Beat - Healthy Kids
Master; Healthy Kids; 12-4-97; X6478; closed captioned master;closed captioned; Healthbeat Healthy Kids; the early years of development begin with prenatal support; immunization is discussed; nutrition, games, singing and many other kinds ...;Credits: Produced by Alison Mosher; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Segment Producers: Maggie Harper, Ramsay Gifford Trussell, Alison Mosher; Edited by: Debbie Therrien; Photographers:...
20) 2716.0673 Health Beat Special - Fat
Health Beat Special; Fat;Healthbeat Fat: January is always a big month for beginning a diet and exercise program but few stick to it; there are physiological or genetical, cultural and psychological rea...;Credits: Produced by: Ramsay G. Trussell, Alison Mosher; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Edited by: Debbie Therrien; Photographers: Judi Guild, Dan Lang; Carl Vieira, Rodney Grace; Tec...
21) 2716.0674 Health Beat Special - Will I Ever Have A Baby?
Health Beat Special: Will I Ever Have a Baby?;Health Beat Special: Will I Ever Have a Baby?; Infertility and the ethics of invitro-fertilization are discussed; the process of invitro-fertilization is demonstrated; other for...;Credits: Produced by: Ramsay G. Trussell; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Segment Producers: Alison Mosher, Maggie Harper; Photographer: Judi Guild; Editors: Craig Pizzo, Debbie Therri...
27) 2716.0675 Health Beat Special - Will I Ever Have a Baby? #6
Health Beat 6; Will I Ever Have a Baby?; Channel 5;Health Beat #6; Will I Ever Have a Baby?; Infertility and the ethics of invitro-fertilization are discussed; the process of invitro-fertilization is demonstrated; other forms of...;Credits: Produced by: Ramsay G. Trussell; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Segment Producers: Alison Mosher, Maggie Harper; Photographer: Judi Guild; Editors: Craig Pizzo, Debbie Therri...
12) 2716.0676 Health Beat - Vital Signs
Master; Health Beat; Special: Vital Signs; Health Beat; Special: Vital Signs; the aging process is largely determined by lifestyle; exercise can be a benefit any time it is begun; weightlifting is always a benefit; diet...;Credits: Senior Producer: Debra Shapiro; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Segment Producer: Alison Mosher; Associate Producer: Tom Masterman; Videographers: Judi Guild, Carl Veiera, Ted...
24) 2716.0677 Health Beat - Feel Good Summer
Dub; Feel Good Summer;Healthbeat: Feel Good Summer; a close look at specialize diets like Atkins diet is given by nutritionists and medical professionals; long, black-screen commercial breaks; summer...;Credits: Senior Producer: Debra Shapiro; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Segment Producers: Ramsay G. Trussell, Alison Mosher; Associate Producer: Tom Masterman; Videographers: John Bo...
18) 2716.0801 Jabberwocky - Your Body #J63
Jabberwocky; You Body J163; Rec. Date 7-80; #63;Jabberwocky: Your Body; Trina and Carl are doing a work out, but Frank says he doesn't need to work out; theme song; they return from their jog and get ready to do the show; Tri...;Credits: Cast: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky; Executive Producer: Fred Schilpp; Producer: Gail Frank; Director: Dan Kolsrud; Associate Producer: Shelagh Go...
34) 2716.0893 Jabberwocky - The Brain #J111
Jabberwocky; The Brain; Show #111; J211; Rec. date 1-2-81;Jabberwocky: The Brain; Voice-over question about what an image on the screen might be, and then some speculation; Introduction theme song; a return to the image and it is revea...;5-12-73;In the studio JoBeth Williams, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Tucker Smallwood, Paul Jones, Gail Frank, Dan Kolsrud, Joseph A. Bailey, Jill Katz, Shelagh Gordon, Bob Tingle David La...
Next 36