4 work results

15) 0291.0013 [Coronation of King George VI]
Mix of amateur color and b&w reversal footage and commercially-produced b&w footage, possibly from Castle Films. First portion is color Kodachrome, slightly faded, som...;A procession of guards in dress uniform, horses, and carriages, filmed over the heads of other people in the crowd. Drummers and a band on horseback. The King and Queen in an or...
2) 1154.0010-.0058 Arthur Libby Race--home movies. Reels 10-58
10: Niagara Falls July 1927 11: Detroit, Windsor, Buffalo July 1927 12: Golf Nassau September 1927 13: Boothbay Fishing October 19, 1939 'Hebron Island 14: St. Louis Trip N...
10) 2155.0008 Pathe News Reel - President Roosevelt attends dinner for Postmaster General Farley in Washington, DC
Note on film can: 'Farley Dinner.';[Images jumpy] A large crowd of men in a hall applauding. President Franklin D. Roosevelt sits at a table surrounded by men in tuxedos. A woman sitting at a table in front of h...
1) 2419.0154-.0166 Abraham Katz--commercial films. Reels 154-166
Commercial 16mm prints of films including a Mickey and Minnie cartoon, "World Parade," "The Chameleon," "Monarch of the Ring," "Shicklegruber [sic] doing the Lambeth Walk," and ...
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