33 work results

14) 0226.0001 Unknown
Slapstick comedy with intertitles. Very loose plot. Title: 'Hazel Sruggs-reads love stories in a hammock and neglects chores.' Hazel in hammock reading, man fishing (Basil de Po...
22) 0660.0002 Blue Hill Class Reel 2
Date from edge code on film. // Pekinese dogs on lawn. Asian girl, about 5 years old, gestures, dressed in robe. Waters flowers. Goose. Boy does somersault on lawn, plays in spr...;Three Pekinese dogs on the lawn. Pekinese and Pekinese puppies playing tug-a-war with a person off screen. Close up shots of the dogs. An Asian woman and little girl. Shot of th...
8) 0691.0001 [Mahlon Walsh--home movies] Reel 1
Amateur: two men using two-horse plow. Flowers and birdbath. Lengthy segment of person in beekeeping clothing using bee sprayer or smoker. Lupine flowers. Poorly focused flower ...
346) 0953.0005 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 5
NHF transfer notes below (donor's reel notes in quotes): Reel 5: '1937-1938. Fishing.' Fishing trip. Camp. Wrestling and fooling around. 'F' hats.;Men with fishing gear gather around canoes, some with an ‘F’ on their hats. Shots of various men on the dock. A man blowing up an inner tube. Three men in a canoe. A boat castin...
5) 1108.0023 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 023
NHF cataloguer's notes, 4/96: Reel 23: Archie Stewart can notes: September 1932 Trip to Unknown Lake. Gop -- GG, Mary-ah. Fishing trip. [Mary Stewart Hafer notes that this reel...
6) 1108.0025 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 025
NHF cataloguer's notes, 4/96: Reel 25: Archie Stewart can notes: 1932 Xmas. Uncle Sam. Rob's wedding. Excellent. 1. Christmas 1932 (2-7 1933). 2. Rob and Howard's visit in Janua...
19) 1108.0028 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 028
NHF cataloguer's notes, 4/96: Reel 28: Archie Stewart can notes: 1933 Maine fishing trip. Of little interest except to show when there were fish in Grand Lake and how they lived...
8) 1108.0033 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 033
Can notes for Reel 33: Archie Stewart can notes: 1933 4th of July trip to Maine. Rob, Kitty, Dr. Simkhovitch & Johnson Motor. <-Mary's request). September trip. Deep sea ...
9) 1108.0047 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 047
NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96: Reel 47 [Archie Stewart can notes: Spring fishing 1936. Grand & Square Lakes. Mary-Ah [Mary Stewart's nickname] at Fraser's, Square Lake, Maine...
10) 1108.0068 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 068
Viewing notes: Reel 68: Summer 1938 (silent). Screening notes: Mother and girls posing in summer frocks in garden, Mary's 8th grade graduation class. Setting off sparklers, fire...
35) 1108.0101 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 101
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 101: Archie Stewart can notes: 1938, Spring fishing trip to Grand Lake. Screening notes: Color. Men in plaid jackets loading, launching canoe from ...
12) 1375.0016 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 16
16. June 1931, Susanne indoors (super), July 1931, shore and circus, Aug 1931, Isle of Springs, Bensams, Aug 1931, Isle of Springs sunset, inspector. ;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 16: (00:00) Man with infant and child. (04:00) Outdoor picnic. Blimp in air. Family at beach. Gray image. (07:00) Outdoor circus events. Horses. ...
8) 1538.0009 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 9
Label on can: 'Reel 32.' // Film has 1935 edge code. // Film has red tinting, attempt to clean film lifted some of the dye up. // Intertitle: 'THE CLOISTER. SEA ISLAND, GEORGIA....
14) 1538.0010 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 10
No label on can. // Film has 1936 edge code. // Intertitle: 'NASSAU. And a cruise thru the 'Out Islands.' February 1936.' Coconut tree (?). 'THE BRITISH COLONIAL HOTEL. The harb...
1) 1638.0004 Springfield, OH, neighborhood--Robert N. Lupfer--home movies. Reel 4
Three girls rollerskate on sidewalk and by house. One falls down. Small boy with fishing rod. Pageant or school event outside. Swimming pool, man on diving board in full-body s...
2) 1711.0001 [North Star Camp/Gillingham Family] Reel 1
North Star Camp footage. Sailing. Canoeing. Raising of the flag with campers saluting. Sports activities such as running springs (shot from front and side views) and long ju...
17) 1711.0003 [North Star Camp/Gillingham Family] Reel 3
Family scenes. Family getting in cars. Fire and roasting hot dogs. Swimming. Eating. Working outside of a building, mixing sand in wheelbarrow. Three children play with a c...
18) 1882.0007 [Houghton, Amory M., Jr.--home movies] Reel 7
NOTE: sections with severe perf damage removed and spliced to tail (image reversed) label on can: 'Scenes, Spencer Bay, 1937' Cataloger's note: Unloading at dock, men in canoes ...
24) 1961.0002 [Camp Kieve Footage] Reel 2
Camp Kieve. Boys (campers) at water’s edge. Footage of canoes and dockhouse. Boys get boats into the water, pack the boats and move supplies. Footage shot from moving boat:...
56) 2177.0056 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 56
Label: 'Dobsis Black+White 1930-32.' // Film is warped.;DVD slate: Reel 56. Dobsis 1930-1932. Views at lake, very small calf unloaded from canoe and carried by man over his shoulders. Loons in lake, shaky footage. Camp cooking over o...
4) 2177.0057 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 57
Label: 'Dobsis Black+White 1933-1937.' // Film is warped.;DVD slate: Reel 57. Dobsis 1933-1937. Man drinks from tin cup, man eats from plate. View of plate with fish on it. People fish from canoes. Man holds up two large fish, he has ...
4) 2177.0059 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 59
Label: 'Dobsis Color 1935, 1936.' // Color is faded.;DVD Slate: Reel 59. Dobsis. 1935-1936. Faded color (pink). Picnic outdoors, then men walking along fenceline at Dobsis. Men sitting on porch at Dobsis Camp. Henry Dennison shows...
36) 2310.0006 [Milton Dowe—home movies] Reel 6
Intertitle: "Remote Control: Reading an article one night about remote control, we decided to control our home by radio." 15:40-19:32 woman sits in a living room chair doing nee...
14) 2419.0056-.0069 Abraham Katz--home movies. Reels 56-69
Black and white and color amateur footage of the Katz family around Cambridge, MA, construction of the EMF store, family vacations around New England including Benson's Wild Ani...;Reel 56: b&w Winchester Conservatories building, women emerge from front door carrying flowers. Cemetery, gravestone of Josephine T. Cohen, age 23 years. Reel 57: b&w Child...
8) 2523.0008 [Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 8, Accession 2523
Intertitle: “Winter Sports ’37-‘38” Donor notes: “Winter Sports - ‘37+’38.” Title card curtain falls. Intertitle: “Dartmouth ’37 Winter Carnival.” Donor notes: “Dartmouth C...
2) 2524.0003 [Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 3, Accession 2524
Woman in coat and hat sitting on edge of boat, smiling. View of water and shore from boat. Man blows nose. Woman lays under coat. Man holds a large lobster open for the came...
3) 2525.0001 [Philip W. Hussey -- home movies] Reel 1, Accession 2525
Can notes: “Phil. Hussey – No. Berwick, Maine” Reel notes: “Iron League Fishing Trip ’37 ; Colby-N.H. Football Game ’38 ; Colby –N.H. Football 1940 ; H. [Small] – C. Drake + [Pu...
11) 2747.0012 Sailing Trips, 1935-1938--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 9
Sailing Trip to Cape Breton/Nordlys, 1935 Steb, Chet, Charlie Young, Jim and Marvel Adams Ct. River: mouth of river, Saybrook light houses and railroad bridge 2-3 masted schoone...;Unsteady shot of the mast, pan down to the deck and the water. Quick shot of Dorothy at the helm. Several shots of the boat. Footage taken from halfway up the mast. (High Co...
29) 2925.0009 [Reid Family--home movies] Reel 9
Submarine / "Dagman"? / Cape Cod Canal / Cliff Young (Halibet Trawl) / Stone Quarry / Whale Close (Isle of She?) / Rabbits -Bud / Macerel Mowhegan / Belden gater can fishing;People working on a ship. A crowd of people on the dock. A man on the deck of a ship, hauling on a rope. A boy sitting in the bow of a ship. A submarine on the water’s surface; ...
30) 2925.0029 [Reid Family--home movies] Reel 29
Three men on a sailboat. Shots of the water and shore. Fish on the deck of the boat. Breakwater. Waves. Buildings along the shore. Men in rowboats. A military ship, ‘135’ on the...;O2
31) 3130.0002 [David Douglas--home movies] Reel 2
-Ladies, flowers -Mount Vernon -Washington Monument + Lincoln Memorial -Guard at Tomb of Unknown Soldier -Airplane in Air, boat at Sea -Beach, Sailboats -Fishing Trip -Fi...
32) 3130.0006 [David Douglas--home movies] Reel 6
-Men Fishing -big fish -Ship on a river -Dressed-up on a ship
33) 3203.0001 Summer 1937 [Corajane Adams Collection--film] Reel 1
1937 - Summer [illegible];Summer 1937 Fishing Cruising Sunset More boats Surf (swells) Fish arriving Withy's garden Beach Club
Next 36