1928 work results

1) 1140.0952 [Zendzian on Campaign]
Paul Zendzian talks about his campaign for a seat on Bangor's City council
9) 2932.0012 [Zelma Williams -- home movies] Reel 12
Zel #3 - RC Racing Fort Knox ; Dad's Farm - King's Landing ; Mel starting to walk - in the tub. 1st BiD; 1st Xmas;A go-cart track. (Near Meriden, Connecticut) A boy puts on a motorcycle helmet. Go-cart racing. Indistinct lights in the dark. Two young children climbing on a giant cannon. A m...
10) 2932.0010 [Zelma Williams -- home movies] Reel 10
#1 Zelma's '74-76'; 1974 C.B.I. Reel #1 Ending 76 Yellowstone;Various shots of buildings, trees and Halloween decorations. Houses along the water. A dog playing near the shore. Houses. A cat. A man reading on a couch. People seated indoors...
23) 2932.0009 [Zelma Williams -- home movies] Reel 9
No. 6 - Aug 31 and Sep. 14, 1975 Rodeo Game Day;People on horseback barrel racing. Racing across the ring. People barrel racing while holding hands. Children riding ponies. [End of Reel]
5) 2932.0008 [Zelma Williams -- home movies] Reel 8
No. 5 - Aug 31, 1975 - Rodeo Game Day - Jim's Fall;People on horseback. A horse falls and the rider is thrown. Racing across the ring. [End of Reel]
6) 2932.0007 [Zelma Williams -- home movies] Reel 7
No. 4 - July 20, 1975 - ERA Game Day;A horseback riding competition where people ride up, spear something on the ground, and carry it away. A different horseback riding competition where people ride up, dismount, s...
6) 2932.0006 [Zelma Williams -- home movies] Reel 6
No. 3 - July 20, 1975 - ERA Game Day;A horseback riding competition where people ride up, dismount, slip through a tire, re-mount and ride away. Barrel racing. [End of Reel]
16) 2932.0005 [Zelma Williams -- home movies] Reel 5
No. 2 - June 1, 1975 - Eastern Rodeo Game Day;People on horseback, barrel racing. [End of Reel]
17) 2932.0004 [Zelma Williams -- home movies] Reel 4
No. 1 - May 18, 1975 - Rodeo Game Day;People on horseback, riding around an outdoor ring, with some people carrying flags. Pairs of people riding around the ring holding hands. People riding while balancing eggs on ...
14) 1140.0507 [YWCA Crewel Exhibit]
Label from can. // Footage of needlework and crafts. // Note: titles from transfer appear onscreen over images.
27) 1140.0786 ['Yankee Zephyr']
Balloon launch
4) 1140.0857 [WWII Planes]
World War Two training planes (1943 Steerman?) bought by Bangor man.
3) 2784.0001-.0011 [WVII programs & newscasts]
11 Betamax tapes (some with mold) - "TV Shows 9/19 - Jackpot 2030 - Debbie Does Dallas 3400" (mold on tape) - "Insatiable #11" - "Edge of Light" - "Consult - Space Shuttle Colum...
5) 1140.0205 [Wright on Charges Against Teacher]
Milton Wright of the Maine Teachers' Association (MTA) on charges against a teacher in Brewer
6) 1140.0204 [wrestling]
Wrestling at Husson College. Julio De Sanctis.
7) 1140.0360 [World Heavyweight Ski Competition]
World Heavyweight ski competition at Sugarloaf. Skiers with various forms of weight on them ski downhill.;A man wearing a fake nose and carrying skis is weighed on a scale in front of a scoreboard reading: ‘THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT SKI RACE’. A different man in front of the scoreboard,...
17) 1140.1031 [Workshops]
Belinda Huston talks about workshops on managing family resources.
18) 1140.1222 [Working on Christmas]
A taxi driver and Bangor police officer each talk about working on Christmas Day
10) 1140.0262 'Workers Rally'
Jerry Werf, AFSCME President, joins state labor leaders at rally.
11) 1140.0939 [Woodsmen protest]
Woodsmen protesting block truck from entering Diamond International Mill.
12) 1140.0936 [Woodsmen Blockade Mill]
Maine Woodsmen's Association blocks trucks at gates of Saint Regis Paper Mill in Bucksport, later at Diamond International and other mills
13) 1140.0054 [Woodhead on New Plan for Police Department]
Interview with Bangor Police Chief Francis Woodhead and David Koman on new plan involving districts and the effect on police services.
14) 1140.0789 [Women's Political Caucus]
Women's Political Caucus sets up chapter in Bangor.
24) 0853.0103 [Women's Political Caucus]
Women's political caucus; from can 241 labeled 05/06/1975 - 05/08/1975
15) 1140.1024 [Women's issues]
Woman talks about Women's issues.
26) 1140.0531 [Women's Cancer Clinic]
Unidentified reporter speaks with woman at table. She advocates annual pap smears and regular self-breast exams to diagnose breast and cervical cancer. Also mentions upcoming cl...
16) 1140.0673 [women - panel]
Nurses news conference on working conditions and collective bargaining.
28) 1140.1015 [Women News Conference]
Women News Conference. Women's group band together to sponsor 'Alice Doesn't' Day.
17) 1140.0297 [Women in the Workplace Program]
Label on film: 'Spiers.' // Unidentified female reporter interviews Cindy Brown about upcoming program at the University of Maine on women in the workplace: ìA Woman in a Man's ...
18) 1140.0212 [Woman's Film Festival]
Reporter Jeanne Meserve on Women's Film Festival at University of Maine
31) 0853.0097 [Woman]
Woman speaks on behalf of those who can't speak for themselves; from can 241 labeled 05/06/1975 - 05/08/1975
19) 1140.0887 [woman]
1.5 second clip of a woman.
20) 1140.0720 [WLBZ radio]
WLBZ radxio in Bangor adopts all-news format. General manager, Eddie Owen comments.
21) 1140.0361 [Winthrop Libby Confirmation Hearing]
Confirmation hearing on nomination of Winthrop Libby to University of Maine board of trustees. Libby received no opposition. Interview with Libby about his appointment, would pr...
6) 1140.0253 [Winkin on Coaching]
University of Maine baseball coach John Winkin talks about his approach to upcoming practices.
27) 1805.001 Windjammer: Schooner Mattie
Amateur footage of schooner at sea.
Next 36