189 work results

1) 0283.0001 [1947 Fire at Jackson Laboratory]
Original footage was 16mm film with 1950 date code. // Begins with Clarence Little narration and fades to fire footage. Building. Laboratory shots with mice, microscopes, clinic...
1) 0285.0005 24 Hours
Docudrama about a day in the life of the Portland Fire Department based partly on real events. Includes footage of fires being started accidentally and Portland firefighters' re...
3) 0291.0015 Asiatic Potters, India 1938-1939
Titled amateur film: 'Asiatic Potters India 1938-39.' 'Our first Hindu Potter...' etc. Amritsar. 'Miss Paddock, judging the workmanship of the ware.' Good CUs. // Original foota...;Title card: 'Our First Hindu Potter Note how he turns his wheel. The only potter we saw who tooled the bottom of his piece.' A potter using a potter’s wheel to make a pot out of...
6) 0291.0016 [Asiatic Potters, 1938-1939]
Appears to be part of 0291.0015. // Film on Puri leper potters and their methods. Japan. Calcutta. Pegu, Burma; Kuala Lumpur, Bienhoa, French Indochina; Annam. // Original foota...;Title card: 'The leper potter of Puri. Large pots are thrown without bottoms then batted over a stone till thin, well-shaped and dec-orated.' A man pats a bottom-less pot into s...
11) 0453.0002 [Livestock Arrives for 4H Auction in Corinna]
Sign: ''Razor' Crosman 4-H Auction.' silent footage of men unloading livestock from a truck, including goats, donkeys, horses, cows, and bulls. Animals are led into a barn.
12) 0453.0003 [UMaine Campus]
Silent footage of buildings on the campus of the University of Maine in Orono shot from a moving vehicle. Closeups of East Commons and Barrows Hall. Shots of unidentified buildi...
3) 0660.0008 Mayan Rites
Title, 'The Spanish Conquistadors destroyed all the sacred temples of the Mayas and built churches on their high foundation pyramids,' etc. Guatemala.;Title card: 'The Spanish Conquistadores destroyed all the sacred temples of the Mayas, and built Churches on their high foundation-pyramids.' Intertitle: 'Still clad as when the...
23) 0660.0009 Palestine
Title, 'Life in a tent. Swaddling baby. Making coffee. Spinning. Making bread.' Silhouettes. Exterior. 'Village scenes. Lilies of the Field? Shepherd boys. Views of people outsi...;Title card: 'LIFE IN A TENT – Swaddling Baby Making Coffee Spinning Making Bread.' A family gathered under a tent. A woman swaddles a baby and rocks the baby in a hammock. A man...
1) 0696.0002 [Bucksport Mill footage] NHF Reel 2
NHF notes: Footage of the construction of the Maine Seaboard Paper Company mill in Bucksport, Maine. Appears to be professionally shot. Includes shots of construction site on w...
10) 0788.0001 [Portland trolley footage]
Dated 5 May 1990.
26) 0813.2274 Bush Baby Lemur
An unidentified young woman balances a lemur on her shoulder, feeds it from a large spoon, plays with it, and watches it scamper away;
11) 0813.2275 Pershing Missile
An unidentified delegate speaks on the topic of why he will not be signing "at this difficult and dangerous juncture";
13) 0952.0189 [Woods & Waters: Whitewater Rafting]
Program #217. // Bud Leavitt goes whitewater rafting on the Kennebec River with a group led by John Connelly of Eastern River Expeditions. Connelly operates the company out of G...
14) 0952.0198 [Woods & Waters: William Clark]
Program #107. // Bud Leavitt visits the home of author and journalist William 'Bill' Clark in Caratunk, Maine. Clark writes column titled 'Logrolling.' Clark speaks about his li...
3) 0952.0199 [Woods & Waters: Glen Perkins, Mickey Noble and Gerry Gartley]
Program #5. Record date: November 1, 1978. Air date: November 6, 1978. // Interview with game warden Glen Perkins north of Greenville. Perkins demonstrates how to call moose wit...
18) 0952.0347 In and Out of Maine: The Young
Record date: October 8, 1976. // Documentary focuses on young people born and raised in the state of Maine who left the state but later decided to return. Issues discussed and r...
24) 1000.0019 Henry Strater: American Artist
Rocks Nudes and Flowers: A Portrait of Henry Strater, American Artist (1896- ). 'A portrait of life and works of prolific realist painter who has found in Maine the subjects he ...;Title card: ‘ROCKS NUDES AND FLOWERS’. Title: ‘a portrait of Henry Strater American Artist (1896- )’ Henry Strater, sitting on a rock wall by the water, talking about his youth ...
25) 1000.0020 In the Spirit of Haystack
'A film by Jane Morrison.' Made with funds from the Maine State Commission on the Arts during the filmmakers artist in residency at WCBB 1979 (per credits). Portrait of Haystack...;A man standing in front of the ocean puts a sheet of clay over his face and imprints a design with his fingers. Title card: ‘IN THE SPIRIT OF HAYSTACK, A film by Jane Morrison, ...
3) 1000.0021 Muscongus Pond: A Potters's Place
Potter Connie Romero at work. She talks about relationship between her work and her cabin on the pond. Closeups of potters wheel, hands, pots being created. Fall at pond. Romero...;Shot of a rocky island in a pond. Title: ‘MUSCONGUS POND a potter’s place’. A porch by the pond. Narration over footage of a woman, Connie Romero, at an outdoor potter’s wheel. ...
27) 1000.0022 Children of the Northlights: A portrait of Ingri and Edgar d'Aulaire
Portrait of children's book creators. Authors describe spending five years on Greek myths book. Travel with their children. One of their first books, Ola, about a Norwegian boy,...;Illustrations of trolls and other images. Title Card: ‘CHILDREN OF THE NORTHLIGHTS’. A child reading a picture book. Title: ‘a portrait of INGRI and EDGAR D’AULAIRE’. Ingri and ...
20) 1016.0001 Sharing One Earth
Students' film on ecology. Live action Penobscot native studies camp-out. Passing the talking stick. Students' voices describe camp out. Students build shelters in woods with st...
6) 1108 [Archie Stewart--home movies] VT12 and VT6 (three cuts)
Stewart International Airport footage: VT12, first flight VT6, three cuts. Mary Stewart Hafer notes: VT 12 April 17, 1990. Similar to VT 3, different angle. American Airlines a...
4) 1191.0028 [SPA Science Fair]
SPA science fair at Orono campus of University of Maine.;Silent footage of students with their project displays, beginning with pollution of the Messalonskee; small cages; students with microscopes; a telescope in a display about vari...
5) 1191.0029 [Concert Band Exchange]
Brewer and Kennebunk high schools concert band exchange concert preview.;Silent footage of the musicians practicing together; closeup views of many sections; the conductor in rehearsal and a trombone soloist;
5) 1191.0039 [O.H. Mower]
Dr. O.H. Mower lectures to group at Orono (?);Silent footage of Dr. O.H. Mower lecturing to a room full of seated listeners at Orono (?)
6) 1191.0040 [Post-Graduate Programs]
Orono hearing on the future of University of Maine post-graduate programs.;Silent footage of a lecture room full of observers during a hearing on the future of University of Maine post-graduate programs;
13) 1191.0044 [Urban Renewal Projects]
Urban renewal projects proceed in Waterville and Bangor.;Silent footage of large vacant brick buildings undergoing demolition;
24) 1191.0048 [Golf Course Prepares For Season]
Bangor Municipal Golf Course prepares for season.;Silent footage of workers clearing debris and moving sod along the fairways of the Bangor Municipal Golf Course as it is prepared for a new season;
29) 1191.0049 [YWCA Fund Drive]
YWCA building fund reaches 88% of its goal.;Silent footage of enthusiastic adults, cheerfully sitting together around decorated work tables; some members of the group are dressed with hats and signs; "Your friendly Income...
7) 1191.0210 [Husson Graduation]
Silent footage of Husson College commencement exercises.
31) 1227.0001 In the Public Interest: The Civilian Conservation Corps in Maine
History of Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in Maine including still photographs, contemporary footage of former corps workers and work sites, and a small amount of archival fi...
1) 1241.0014-.0029 [Boat footage] NHF TAPES 014-029
Various factual and educational programs. 014: Boat--Interview--Tape 1 015: Boat--2 016: Boat--Greene--#1 017: Boat--4 018: Boat--5 019: Boat--6 020: Boat--Waxing--Walter Greene...
20) 1275.0002 Hollywood on the Kennebec
Dated June 1988. Made for broadcast show regarding history of moving image in Maine. Includes clip from 'Way Down East,' screening of that film at Grand Theatre in Ellsworth, sh...
9) 1275.0003 Establishment of a Maine Film Commission
Dated May 21, 1987. Television feature report on establishment of the Maine Film Commission (a division of the state department of tourism) including a short history of film pro...
35) 1275.0004 Remember the Maine
Historians discuss the Spanish-American War and theorize about what or who destroyed the battleship 'USS Maine.'
31) 1351.0001 These Memories of Maine
Dated March 4, 1987. Program on Maine film history mixing contemporary footage with archival footage. Introduction includes quick cuts: CU of building with turrets, storefront, ...
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