72 work results

24) 2716.0015 [Aqui - TLC kit, Guns, & Bowling]
Master; X6148 - WCVB code 29;Teens and AIDS TLC kit; Program to collect weapons from the community for cash; Bowling! Segment 1 in English with Spanish subtitles, segment 2 in Spanish with English subtitle...;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Directors: Donna Hennessey, Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jaime Lowell; Technical Director...
33) 2716.0060 [Aqui - Human Rights 1993 #140]
Aqui - #140 Human Rights 1993; X5511; WCVB code 45; Rec date: 1-11-93; Air date: 1-17-93;Slate: ‘AQUI VTR: X5511 Show: No. 140 Rec: 1/11/93 Air: 1/17/93 Dir: Hennessey’. Title: ‘Aquí’. Mayra Rodriguez-Howard hosts. She reports on Reebok hosting the Annual Human Righ...;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Directed by Donna Hennessey; Production Assistant: Jennifer Nieman; Assistant Directors: Jim Lowell, Brian Pellicano; Technical Director: Bayar...
1) 2716.0061 [Aqui - Bicultural Couples #141]
Aqui - Bicultural Couples #141; X5515; WCVB code 44; Rec date: 1-18-93;Bicultural relationships and the shift of what it means to "be home;' raising children in a bicultural household; bicultural households often mean inter-faith or multi-faith hou...;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Director: Donna Hennessey; Production Assistant: Jennifer Nieman; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jim Lowell; Technical Directors: Bayard...
35) 2716.0062 [Aqui - Gang Violence #142]
Aqui - #142 Gang Violence; X4967; WCVB code 35; Rec. date: 1-25-93; Air date: 1-31-93;Aqui; Gang Violence; residents of Jamaica Plain hold a vigil in Hyde Square to mourn the recent death of young Hispanics at the hands of gangs; David Boeri provides details, cli...;In the studio Mayra Rodriquez-Howard, John R. Green, Donna Hennessey, Frank Firnschild, Brian Pellicano, Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Roger Paulson, Mary Newsham, Linda Carp, Jerry M...
36) 2716.0063 Aqui - Piedad Robertson #143
Two-part segment on Piedad Robertson, Massachusetts Secretary of Education; Violence Prevention Project is discussed; 19:22 there is a :2 interval of odd tape.;Aqui - Piedad Robertson #143; X5816; WCVB code 39; Rec. date: 2-1-93; Air date: 2-7-93;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Director: Donna Hennessey; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Technical Directors: Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Karen Lippert; Cameras: Leroy McLa...
1) 2716.0064 [Aqui - Valentines Day #144]
Valentines Day Special; The loss of a neighborhood grocery store to arson and the community response; a youth council is formed to offset the anger over the random death of a yo...;Aqui - #144 Valentines Day; X4971; WCVB code 40; Rec. date: 2-8-93; Air date: 2-14-93;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Director: Donna Hennessey; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Directors: Frank Firnschild, Jim Lowell; Technical Directors: Bayard W. P...
31) 2716.0065 [Aqui - Domestic Violence #145]
Aqui - Domestic Violence #145; X5513; WCVB code 43; Rec date: 2-15-93; Air date: 2-21-93;Domestic violence; victims discuss their experience and options for support and relief; Julia Perez and Stacy Kabat are interviewed.;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Director: Donna Hennessey; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Jim Lowell; Technical Directors: Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Karen ...
15) 2716.0066 [Aqui - Barbieri School #146]
Framingham, 3rd grade, Barbieri School bilingual program. Interviews with children at the school and interviews with teachers and assistants; Peruvian cultural organization prog...;Aqui - #146; Barbieri School; and Fernando B; Rec. date: 2-22-93; Air date: 2-28-93; X5512;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Director: Donna Hennessey; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Technical Director: Bayard W. Peabody, Jr. Cam...
4) 2716.0067 [Aqui - Giovanni Hidalgo #147]
Performance and interview with musician Giovanni Hidalgo; Fruit from Chile is shown from grapes, apples, peaches; berries, plums; bananas, including onions and all are just like...;Aqui - #147 Giovanni Hidalga; X4965; WCVB code 38; Rec date: 3-1-93; Air date: 3-7-93;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Director: Donna Hennessey; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Technical Director: Karen Lippert, Ted Phillip...
34) 2716.0068 [Aqui - Arts and More #148]
Aqui - #148 Arts and More; X4775; Rec. Date: 3-15-93; Air date: 3-21-93;Aqui; Arts; Spanish audio with English subtitles; the Jamaica Plain gallery of Ricardo Vega and Nora Paternak is visited, and they talk about how they started their art collecti...;In the studio Mayra Rodriquez-Howard, John R. Green, Donna Hennessey, Laura Brown, Bayard W. Peabody, Brian Pellicano, Jim Lowell, Joe Soucar, Jerry Milot, B. Geoffrey Lans, Joh...
6) 2716.0069 Aqui - Isabel Allende #149
Aqui - Isabel Allande #149; X4966; WCVB code 37; Rec. date: 3-22-93; Air date: 3-28-93;Slate: “Aqui VTR 4966 Air 3/28/93 Taped 3/22/93 Dir: Hennessey”. Mayra Rodriguez Howard and Alan West host. Interview with Eric Castillo about the film ‘Panama Deception’. Inclu...;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Director: Donna Hennessey; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jaime Lowell; Technical Directors: Bayard W. ...
7) 2716.0070 Aqui - Leukemia Victim #150
Master X3372 Aqui Leukemia Victim No. 150 Rec: 3/29/93 Air: 4/4/93;Leukemia Victim #150; bone marrow and its use in fighting cancer is described; Vincent Ruiz is the example patient family that discusses how this practice is working and how the...;Mayra Rodriguez, John R. Green, Donna Hennessey, Laura Brown, Brian Pellicano, Jaime Lowell, Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Ted Phillips, Jerry Milot, Joe Soucar, Al Giglio, Scott Phil...
1) 2716.0071 Aqui - William Weld #151
[silent Regis and Kathy B&W before color bars] Governor Weld in a 2-part interview discusses the Latino agenda across the state; Chelsea teens do volunteer work with the elderly...;Aqui - William Weld #151; X6146; WCVB code 25; Rec. date: 4-5-93; Air date: 4-11-93;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Director: Donna Hennessey; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jaime Lowell; Technical Director: Bayard W. P...
14) 2716.0072 [Aqui - OBA OBA & Marathon #152]
A reading program to support anti-drug education for children launched in Jamaica Plains; Dance OBA OBA (Joy, in Brazilian Portuguese) behind the scenes; Raul Solano is intervie...;Aqui - #152; OBA OBA; Marathon; X6147; WCVB code 28; Rec date: 4-12-93; Air date: 4-18-93;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Directors: Donna Hennessey, Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jaime Lowell; Technical Director...
10) 2716.0073 Aqui - OMNI #154
Aqui X6149 OMNI No. 154 Rec. 5/3/93 Air. 5/9/93;Aqui; Mother's Day; Spanish audio with English subtitles; Piedad Robertson is featured, and interviewed, for her work as Secretary of Education; black screen breaks with count d...;In the studio Mayra Rodriquez-Howard, John R. Green, Donna Hennessey, Laura Brown, Jaime Lowell, Brian Pellicano, Emeric Feldmar, Ted Phillips, Jerry Milot, Joe Soucar, Al Gigl...
4) 2716.0074 Aqui - P.R. Book/ Guacamole #155
Professor Edwin Melendez is interviewed about Puerto Rico; [Odd cue card] A youth program "red shirts" to give the city a facelift by doing public service work; Avocados and mak...;Aqui - P.R. Book/ Guacamole #155; X6150; WCVB code 26; Rec. date: 5-10-93; Air date: 5-16-93;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Director: Donna Hennessey; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jaime Lowell; Technical Directors: Bayard Pea...
17) 2716.0229 Cityline - 1992 The Year In Review
Cityline - 1992 The Year In Review; X4091; WCVB code 15; Rec. date 1-5-93; Air date: 1-10-93;CityLine: 1992 Review; Karen Holmes hosts the program; poor economy is the primary concern; on the set, Earl Jackson and Luix Overbea offer observations about the events of the ...;In the studio Karen Holmes Ward, Donna Hennessey, Laura Brown, Brian Pellicano, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Joe Soucar, Mary Newsham, Linda Carp, Wayne Smith, Al Giglio, Scott Philbric...
24) 2716.0230 Cityline - 103rd Congress; MLKing Remembrance
Cityline - 103rd Congress; X4301; WCVB code 26; rec date 1-12-93; Air date: 1-17-93;CityLine: 103rd Congress; Karen Holmes hosts the program; the new administration in Washington D.C. seems to be including a greater number of those who are Hispanic or Black; Jo...
25) 2716.0231 Cityline - Film Making Center
Cityline - Film Making Center; X450; Rec date: 1-26-93; Air date: 1-31-93;Slate: “Cityline VTR: X-450 Rec: 1/26/93 Air: 1/31/93 Dir: Rubin”. Title: “CityLine”. Karen Holmes hosts. Reports on resources for aspiring Black film directors. Includes clips ...
28) 2716.0232 Cityline - Women '93 Art
Master; Cityline - Women '93 Art; X427; WCVB code 17; Rec date: 3-2-93; Air date: 3-7-93;CityLine: Women '93 Art; Karen Holmes hosts the program; Still Killing Us Softly is a film about advertising in which women are portrayed to their disadvantage; black screen bre...;In the studio Karen Holmes Ward, Phil Rubin, Laura Brown, Brian Pellicano, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Joe Soucar, Ted Philips, Jerry Milot, A. Louis Giglio, Scott Philbrick, John Rose...
29) 2716.0233 Cityline - City Dance; Breakfast
Master; Cityline - City Dance; Breakfast; X428; WCVB code 37; rec. date: 3-9-93; air date: 3-20-93. ;City Dance in 3rd and 4th grade public schools brought surprises to both students and the instructors; Breakfast packs will be supplied to 16 districts across the city to suppor...;Credits: Produced by: Karen Holmes Ward; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Contributing Producer: Lisa Ziegler; Tech...
28) 2716.0234 Cityline - Power Within/ Images/
Cityline; Images; Power Within: Master; X430; Rec. date: 3-23-93; Air date: 3-28-93;Power Within; Images; The play "Turf" by Robbie McCauley and the history of race relations are the center of the segment; negative images of women in media are discussed by Anne...
23) 2716.0235 Cityline - Higher Education
Original; Cityline; Higher Education; X453; Rec date: 3-30-93; Air date: 9-4-93;Minorities in Higher Education: Roxbury Community College is the first of the institutions visited; Grace Carolyn Brown, the current president, is interviewed about her plans to...;Credits: Produced by: Karen Holmes Ward; Director: Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Contributing Reporter: Valerie Navy-Daniels; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano;...
32) 2716.0236 Cityline - LEAP; Christianity; Gospel
Cityline - LEAP; Christianity; Gospel; X454; Rec date: 4-6-93; Air date: 4-11-93;LEAP helps one young man who came from New York, among the more than 4,000 needing help; Spencer Christian and his new book "Weather Book"; Black Jewish Sader is observed and th...;Credits: Produced by: Karen Holmes Ward; Director: Dick Puttkamer; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Technical Director: Bayard Peabody, Jr.;...
25) 2716.0237 Cityline
Master; Cityline; X974; Rec date: 4-20-93; Air date: 4-25-93;Sabrina Wilfred and Delores Mitchell are interviewed on their work as co-founders of a preparatory school; Thulani Davis' editing of Malcolm X photographs, and she is interviewe...
32) 2716.0238 Cityline - Prison Special
Cityline - Prison Special; X994; Rec date: 4-27-93; Air date: 5-2-93;Slate: “Cityline VTR: X-994 Rec: 4/27/93 Air: 5/2/93 Dir: Rubin”. Title: “CityLine”. Karen Holmes hosts. Episode looks at the Aurora Program, which helps women after they are re...;Credits: Produced by Karen Holmes-Ward; Director: Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Technical Director: Emeric Feldman; Audio: Jo...
27) 2716.0239 Cityline - MLK Papers
Master; Cityline - MLK Papers; X975; Rec date: 5-11-93; Air date: 5-16-93;Slate: “Cityline VTR: X-975 Rec: 5/11/93 Air: 5/16/93 Dir: Hennessey”, “Karen Holmes”. Title: “CityLine”. Karen Holmes hosts an episode looking at Coretta Scott King legal fight...;Credits: Produced by Karen Holmes-Ward; Director: Donna Hennessey; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Technical Director: Bayard Peabody, Jr.;...
21) 2716.0317 Family Works - Day Care & the Working Parent
Master; Family Works!; X6113; Local Day Care and the Working Parent;Slate: “The Family Works Show 2 Day Care and the Working Parent”. Titles: “Day Care and the Working Parent, The Future is Riding on it”. Susan Saint James narrates an episode ab...;Credits: Produced and Written by Stan Leven; Directed by Bob Comiskey; Associate Producer Ramsay Gifford; Videography Bob Oliver; Editor Debbie Therrien; Post Production George ...
15) 2716.0318 Family Works - Day Care & the Working Parent
Master; Family Works, Day Care and the Working Parent; X6088;black w/code; Program 2, With Susan Saint James Slate: “The Family Works Show 2 Day Care and the Working Parent”. Titles: “Day Care and the Working Parent, The Future is Riding...;Credits: Produced and Written by Stan Leven; Directed by Bob Comiskey; Associate Producer Ramsay Gifford; Videography Bob Oliver; Editor Debbie Therrien; Post Production George ...
16) 2716.0319 Family Works - Divorce and Stepfamilies #3
Master; Family Works X6090 -stereo- FW #3; Divorce + Step families;black w/code; Program 3 with Susan Saint James Tape includes 10 and 30 second promos for the episode. Slate: “THE FAMILY WORKS Program 3 Divorce & Step Families”. Titles: “Divo...;Credits: Produced by Debra Shapiro; Directed by Bob Comiskey; Associate Producer Ramsay Giffor; Videography Art Donahue, Frank Konesky, Bob Oliver; Edited by Debbie Therrien; Po...
7) 2716.0321 Family Works - Divorce
FW! Sunday; Divorce; Rec Date: 2/25/93; Air Date: 2/28/93;Slate: “Family Works Sunday; Show: 2; Vtr: 2816; Record 2/25/93; Air: 2/28/93; Director: Hennessey. [Countdown] Frank Avrouch and Valerie Navy host and episode discussing divorc...;Credits: Producer: Valerie Navy-Daniels; Directed by Donna Hennessey; Associate Producer: Jim Lowell; Associate Producer: Alison Mosher; Technical Director: Bayard W. Peabody, J...
8) 2716.0322 Family Works - Finances
X2847; FW! Sunday; Rec Date: 3/25/93; Air Date: 3/28/93;Family Works Sunday; Valerie Navy-Daniel hosts a program on family finances focused on President Clinton's most recent initiatives; Mark Mills offers his ideas which include to ...;Donna Hennessey, Jiom Lowell, Alison Mosher, Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Joe Soucar, Ted Phillips, Jerry Milot, A. Louis Giglio, Scott Philbrick, Brian Pillicano, David Teixeira, Ke...
9) 2716.0323 Family Works - Family Finances
Master; Family Works; Family Finances (stereo); X6181; Rec. date 5-18-93 closed captioned; stereo;[Same as 2716.0324] [Color bars] Includes 10 and 30 second promos. Slate: “Family Works! No. 6 Family Finance Show”. Susan Saint James introduces an episode about family financ...;Credits: Produced by Mark Mills, Ramsay Gifford; Directed by Bob Comiskey; Videography: Robert Oliver; Editor: Debbie Terrien; Post Production: George Ellard; Additional Videogr...
13) 2716.0324 Family Works - Family Finance
Master; Family Works X6096 Family Finance Stereo black w/code; Program 6, With Susan Saint James;[Same as 2716.0323] [Color bars] Includes 10 and 30 second promos. Slate: “Family Works! No. 6 Family Finance Show”. Susan Saint James introduces an episode about family financ...;Credits: Produced by Mark Mills, Ramsay Gifford; Directed by Bob Comiskey; Videography: Robert Oliver; Editor: Debbie Terrien; Post Production: George Ellard; Additional Videogr...
35) 2716.0325 Family Works - The Sandwich Generation #5
Master; Family Works; X6094; (stereo); The Sandwich Generation #5;[Same as 2716.0326] [Color bars] Includes 10 and 30 second promos. Slate: “Family Works Show 5 The Sandwich Generation”. Susan Saint James introduces an episode about middle age...;Credits: Produced by Dick Amaral, Myles Gordon; Directed by Bob Comiskey; Associate Producer: Ramsay Gifford; Videography: Judi Guild, Robert Oliver, Ken Sulivan; Editor: Debbie...
36) 2716.0326 Family Works - The Sandwich Generation
Master; Family Works; X6178; The Sandwich Generation; Rec. date 4-9-93; closed captioned;[Same as 2716.0325] [Color bars] Includes 10 and 30 second promos. Slate: “Family Works Show 5 The Sandwich Generation”. Susan Saint James introduces an episode about middle ag...;Credits: Produced by Dick Amaral, Myles Gordon; Directed by Bob Comiskey; Associate Producer: Ramsay Gifford; Videography: Judi Guild, Robert Oliver, Ken Sulivan; Editor: Debbie...
Next 36