291 work results

20) 1108 [Archie Stewart--home movies] VT4 (part 2, two cuts), VT13, VT15, VT8 (two cuts)
Stewart International Airport footage: VT4 (part 2), two cuts dated 4/1/91 and 4/17/91 NHF Cataloger's notes [times from VCR display]: (1:00) Stewart Airport, Newburgh, NY, peop...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: VT 4 Delta Airlines opens service, April 1, 1991. Archie cuts ribbon with huge scissors. "Time to fly" character. VT1y American Airlines celebrates 1 ...
4) 1541.0003 The Air We Breathe, Reel 2 [NHF Tape #3]
Special by Bob Libbey Slate: “The Air We Breathe Special Reel 2 Panel Discussion 43:48 Maine Public Broadcasting Network”. John Greenman leads a panel discussion about a precedi...;Credits: Producer: Robert Libbey; Host: John Greenman; Director: Jim Bisson; Camera: Earl Allen, Steve Dunn, Steve Faloon, David Lavender; Production Secretary: Millie Olson; Au...
11) 2716.0002 [Cityline: Focus - Black Leadership in the 90's]
A television special for WCVB's locally produced program "Cityline" on the current state and the future of African American leadership in Boston and the rest of the country.;Credits: Produced By Karen Holmes, Directed By Donna Hennessey, Associate Producer Valerie D. Navy, Assistant Director Frank Firnschild, Production Assistant Laura Brown, Techni...
25) 2716.0016 [Aqui - Baseball]
X5509 WCVB code 33; Aqui; Baseball; Rec Date: 6-23-90; Air Date: 6-24-90;Aqui; Baseball; Spanish audio with English subtitles; the long-time interest and love of the sport among those in Hispanic countries is reported by Jose Masso through still and ...;In the studio Brunildo Rodriquez, Gregg Kidd, Johanna Torres, Frank Firnschild, Bob Child, Tom Troland, Ed Paolino, Susan Krieger, Giles Baker, Dave Teixeira, Reggie Power, Sher...
19) 2716.0189 Cityline - Focus
Master Cityline - Focus; X456; Rec. date: 4-24-90; Air date: 4-29-90;Slate: “CITYLINE/FOCUS VTR: X456 AIR: 4/29/90 REC: 4/24/90 DIR: RUBIN”. Intro. Slate: “Focus: Brother Can You Spare Some Time”. Karen Holmes introduces a special on Boston organ...;Credits: Produced by Karen Holmes; Directed by Phil Rubin; Associate Producer Valerie D. Davy; Assistant Director Jam Hakim; Production Assistant Laura Brown; Technical Director...
25) 2716.0191 Cityline - Mandela
Master; Cityline - Mandela; Boston visit; X1012; WCVB code 9; Rec. date 6-26-90; Air date 7-1-90;CityLine: Celebrations are held for Nelson Mandela across the city of Boston through fundraisers, luncheons, special appearances by Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Danny Glover and Bobb...;Credits: Produced By: Karen Holmes; Directed By: Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Valerie D. Navy; Assistant Director: Frank Firnschild; Production Assistant: Laura Brown: Techni...
4) 2716.0192 Cityline - Holiday
Master; Cityline - Holiday; X5632; Field; Rec. date: 12-13-92;"Showcase for the Holiday": Vocal and instrumental performance by The Real Deal; programs called "Babes in Arms" for distressed babies in a local hospital; "family to family" fo...
1) 2716.0351 Five on Five - Sunday, Sept. 16, 1990 #541
Five on Five; Sunday September 16, 1990, #541; X4960; Rec. date 9-16-090; Air date 9-16-90; ;Five on Five with a live audience; Avi Nelson, Hubie Jones, Micho Spring, and John Collins talk about the gubernatorial race; attorney general candidates are reviewed; candidate...;Credits: Produced by: Marjorie Arons-Barron; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Laurie Covens; Assistant to the Producer: Daphne Chuang, Stacy Simpson; Assistant Direc...
35) 2716.0352 Five on Five - #548
Five on Five; Sunday, November 4, 1990, No. 548; Rec. date 11-4-90; Air date 11-4-90; X3991;Five on Five with a live audience; Avi Nelson, Hubie Jones, Doris Kearns Goodwin, and John Collins discuss the gubernatorial debates; the panel then moves on to other campaigns ...;Credits: Produced by: Marjorie Arons-Barron; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Laurie Covens; Assistants to the Producer: Eleanor O’Keefe, Daphne Chuang, Jessie Garci...
10) 2716.0363 Good Day - Memorial Day
Memorial Day; Good Day; Commercials Included; Ted's Summer Kick-Off: in front of the movie theater, what are the movies to see? "Back to the Future 3", "Firebirds", "Tie Me Up, ...;Credits: Produced by: Karen Melamed; Directed by: Donna Hennessey Smith; Show Producer: Jason Raff; Segment Producers: Karen Shiffman; Contributing Producer: Ted Reinstein; Prom...
21) 2716.0407 Good Day - #4070
#4070;Slate: ‘Good Day! 1/24/90 Wednesday VTR: X-334 Show: 4070. Title: ‘Good Day!’ Eileen Prose hosts. Prose interviews Susan Spencer Mason and her Lawyer Aida Fayar Doss about suing...
16) 2716.0408 Good Day - #4076; Dr. Marilyn Griffin; Bob Rose; Lloyd Trenchard; Tony Lazzertti; Malcolm Flynn; Charles Pierce;
Master Good Day X130 Thursday Feb. 1 1990 No. 4076 Rec. 2/1/90 Air. 2/2/90;#4076; Dr. Marilyn Griffin; Bob Rose; Lloyd Trenchard; Tony Lazzertti; Malcolm Flynn; Charles Pierce; Slate: ‘Good Day! 2/1/90 Thursday VTR: X-0130 Show: 4076’. Title: ‘Good Da...
17) 2716.0409 Good Day - #4108; Paul Prudhomme; Dr. Harvey Skolnick; Dr. Mark Jawtz; Dr. Tom Cottle; Frank Avruch
Master Good Day X2968 Do Not Use Again 3/90 WCVB Code 25 Monday March 19, 1990 No 4108 Rec Date: 3/19/90 Air Date: 3/20/90;#4108; Paul Prudhomme; Dr. Harvey Skolnick; Dr. Mark Jawtz; Dr. Tom Cottle; Frank Avruch; low-fat cajun cooking is demonstrated; black screen breaks; men who are more maternal i...
14) 2716.0410 Good Day - #4113; Jim Verniere; Peter Keough
Master Good Day X3092 Monday March 26 1990 Rec. 3/26/90 Air. 3/27/90 "Mary - Tape has crease. Please Retire It";"tape creased; please retire it" - #4113; Jim Verniere; Peter Keough;Slate: “Good Day! 3/26/90 Monday/Oscars VTR: X3092 Show: 4113”. Good Day previews the 62nd Academy Awards. Eileen Prose has viewers call in votes for their picks in the Oscar ca...;Credits: Produced By: Karen Melamed; Directed By: Donna Hennessey Smith; Assistant Program Producer: Faith Sutter; United Manager: Mary Ellen Hayes; Associate Producers: Bonnie ...
19) 2716.0411 Good Day - #4128; Marathon 1990
Master Good Day X5449 Marathon 1990 Edit Master Rec. 4/13/90;Marathon 1990 Paperwork is dated 1989 but can is dated 1990; black w/code; Good Day; Marathon 1991; Ted Reinstein hosts the show focusing on the race; black screen breaks with c...;In the studio Donna Hennessey, Brian Pellicano, Karen Malamed, Joe Soucar, Bayard Peabody, Chris O'Hare, Howie Rouse, Dick Erickson, Roger Rice, David Teixeira, Scott Obreza, Cr...
124) 2716.0412 Good Day - #4137; Jim Molloy; Dr. Richard Price; Deborah Burns; John Verre; Mildred Albert; Jim Verniere; Arthur Slade
Good Day; X3906; WCVB code 8; No. 4137; Friday, April 27, 1990; Rec. date 4-27-90; Air date 4-28-90;#4137; Jim Molloy; Dr. Richard Price; Deborah Burns; John Verre; Mildred Albert; Jim Verniere; Arthur Slade; Jim Molloy and Arthur Slade talk about animal cruelty; crew audio du...
27) 2716.0413 Good Day - #4141;
28) 2716.0414 Good Day - #4142; Sidney DeAngelis
#4142; Sidney DeAngelis
29) 2716.0415 Good Day - #4185; Rick Aviles; Beverly High students; Dr. Stephen Price; Sarah Hoy; Carl Muench
Master; Good Day; Thursday, July 12; 1990; X2486; Rec. date 7-12-90; Air date 7-13-90;#4185; Rick Aviles; Beverly High students; Dr. Stephen Price; Sarah Hoy; Carl Muench; Cory Bissel, Heidi Warner, Rachel Williams and Melanie Mysliwy talk about high school frien...
24) 2716.0416 Good Day - #4214;
31) 2716.0417 Good Day - #4224; Courtney MacNaught; Andrea Nebedian; Ingrid Pawlowski; Natalie Ramsey; Nick Power; Andrew Kenney; Aleta Koman
Master; Good Day; X2641; No. 4224; Friday Sept. 28, 1990; Rec. date 9-28-90; Air date 9-29-90;#4224; Courtney MacNaught; Andrea Nebedian; Ingrid Pawlowski; Natalie Ramsey; Nick Power; Andrew Kenney; Aleta Koman; neighbors are interviewed about the arrest in a suspect of ...;In the studio Karen Melamed, Donna Hennessey Smith, Faith Sutter, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bonnie Gould, Susan Locke-Smith, Karen Shiffman, Ted Reinstein, Janet Lee, Brian...
26) 2716.0418 Good Day - #4226; Edie Adams; Junior D'Amato; Dr. Charles Wyckoff; Susanna Hoffman; Insp. Donald Ingram
Good Day; Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1990; X2594; WCVB code 113; No. 4226; Rec. date 10-2-90; Air date 10-3-90;#4226; Edie Adams; Junior D'Amato; Dr. Charles Wyckoff; Susanna Hoffman; Insp. Donald Ingram; Good Day; Ted Reinstein reports on the new grades of child-sleepwear safety, and de...
27) 2716.0419 Good Day - #4228; Kitty Dukakis
Master;Paperwork says 10/4/89 and 10/4/90; there is nothing on the can
28) 2716.0420 Good Day - #4236; Larry Gatlin; Yolanda; Susan Wornick
Master; Good Day; X3023 #4236 10/16/90;#4236; Larry Gatlin; Yolanda; Susan Wornick; Good Day; Eileen Prose talks about disasters that occur in hair salons with Robert Harrison and Lonna Higgins; they respond to calle...;In the studio Karen Melamed, Donna Hennessey, Faith Sutter, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bonnie Gould, Susan Locke-Smith, Karen Shiffman, Ted Reinstein, Janet Lee, Brian Pelli...
29) 2716.0421 Good Day - #4237; Frank Avruch; Jane Goodall; Dr. Joe Buscaren
Master; Good Day; X3054; WCVB code 105; No. 4237; Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1990; Rec. date 10-17-90; Air date 10-18-90;#4236; Larry Gatlin; Yolanda; Susan Wornick; the possibility of AIDS-HIV infection from dentist to patient is discussed; Art Buchwald is interviewed; childhood sports injuries a...
36) 2716.0422 Good Day - #4239; Bob Woolf; Myrna Reiss; Marion Cunningham; Bob White; Rachel White
Master;#4239; Bob Woolf; Myrna Reiss; Marion Cunningham; Bob White; Rachel White
1) 2716.0423 Good Day - #4248; Dr. Richard Price; Robin Sherman; Jim Clark; Dr. Cornelius Grani; Linda Herman; Susan Sweetser; Susan Kremelberg
Master;#4248; Dr. Richard Price; Robin Sherman; Jim Clark; Dr. Cornelius Grani; Linda Herman; Susan Sweetser; Susan Kremelberg
2) 2716.0424 Good Day - #4249; Jacques Pepin; Alice Medrich; Skitch Henderson; Ruth Henderson
#4249; Jacques Pepin demonstrates cooking turkey; Jim Haller demonstrates Shaker style cooking in making a souffle; Skitch Henderson and Ruth Henderson demonstrate how to make a...
33) 2716.0425 Good Day - #4250; Harrison Livingstone; Dr. Tom Cottle; Margaret St. Germain; Buskin & Batteau; Susan Branch; Agusto Rojas; Monica Anderson
Master Good Day X-575 Monday Nov. 5, 1990 No. 4250 Rec. 11/5/90 Air. 11/6/90;#4250; Harrison Livingstone; Dr. Tom Cottle; Margaret St. Germain; Buskin & Batteau; Susan Branch; Agusto Rojas; Monica Anderson; Good Day; Eileen Prose talks with three college...
4) 2716.0426 Good Day - #4251; Sandra Kahn; Joan Benny
Master;#4251; Sandra Kahn; Joan Benny
20) 2716.0427 Good Day - #4252; Marla Gibbs; Rommie Davis; Peggy Vaughn
Master;#4252; Peggy Vaughn talks about life after spousal infidelity; Ringo Starr from the Beatles visits the show by way of a satellite from Canada because he is now doing the Shining...
6) 2716.0428 Good Day - #4253; Carol Siskin; Father Robert Deeley; Barbara Signor; Frank Avruch; Peter Glen
Master;#4253; Carol Siskin; Father Robert Deeley; Barbara Signor; Frank Avruch; Peter Glen
1) 2716.0429 Good Day - #4254; Phyllis Diller; Dr. David Larson
Master; Good Day; Friday, Nov. 9, 1990; X2590; No. 4254; Rec. date 11-9-90; Air date 11-10-90; ;Good Day; #4254; Phyllis Diller; Dr. David Larson; Waitress Makeover Contest entries are shared and the winner announced: Cedar Crest Restaurant; Phyllis Diller talks about her ...;Credits: Produced by Karen Melamed; Directed by Donna Hennessey; Assistant Program Producer: Faith Sutte; Unit Manager: Mary Ellen Hayes; Associate Producers: Linda Adler, Bonni...
34) 2716.0430 Good Day - #4255; Shirley Cumpanas; Diane Perry; John Carroll; Dr. Tom Cottle
Master;#4255; Shirley Cumpanas; Diane Perry; John Carroll; Dr. Tom Cottle
35) 2716.0431 Good Day - #4256; Peter Marshall; Agent Orange;
Good Day; Tuesday, Nov. 13, 1990; X2690; No.4256; Rec. date 11-13-90; Air date 11-14-90;#4256; Peter Marshall; Agent Orange; Model Mugging is demonstrated; Peter Marshall talks about his time on Hollywood Squares and his time on stage; Janice DeBlois talks about wh...
10) 2716.0432 Good Day - #4257; Frank Avruch; Tony Ambrose; Yolanda; Avis Lampert; Judy Kuriansky
Master; Good Day; Wednesday, Nov. 14, 1990; No. 4257; X2704; Rec. date 11-14-90; Air date 11-15-90;Good Day; Sleepover; Eileen Prose is joined by Yolanda, Avis Lampert, and Judy Kuriansky wearing their pajamas on the set; Yolanda provides a fashion show of new styles for slee...;In the studio Carolee Brown, Frank Xavier, Bread & Chocolate, Gould & Son's Wrought Iron City, Sleepers Showcase;
Next 36