110 work results

2) 0010.0001 Winter and Auto Trip Around Gaspé Peninsula--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 10
Viewing notes from VHS, February 2012. No slate at head of access copy. Views from train of river in winter, people standing by ice dam. At Greenville, Maine, train station...
11) 0143/0144.0003 [Robert M. Hume, Sr.--home movies.] Reel 4: Snowplow
Box notes: 'Snow Plow. Feb 1934.' NHF cataloguer's notes: February 1934 shots of huge, Caterpillar-like snowplow moving deep snow. Kids on snowshoes.
6) 0226.0001 Unknown
Slapstick comedy with intertitles. Very loose plot. Title: 'Hazel Sruggs-reads love stories in a hammock and neglects chores.' Hazel in hammock reading, man fishing (Basil de Po...
14) 0252.0064 [Howard Kane--home movies] Medical Reel 64
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 64: (100 ft., dc 1935) 'Roth #1.' Experiment with injections to rabbits.
9) 0252.0071 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 71
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 71: (175 ft.) 'Caribbean colors, 1936-1937 #1.' Color. Snow in woods. Bon voyage scenes, leaving New York o...
17) 0290.0002 [Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 2
Amateur: Couple with small girl in front of house. Small girl plays in yard, in sleigh, on sidewalks surrounded by snow, in front of long white house. Men saw logs. Box 1A said ...
18) 0290.0003 [Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 3
Amateur: Men walk past horse-pulled hay wagon. Cows grazing in woods, walking in herd. Men in barn cutting sides of beef. Living room family scene with Christmas tree. Aged coup...
13) 0290.0009 [Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 9
Amateur: Aerial shots of parade. Tilt shot up tall building. Bands marching, crowd. Confetti streaming down. Couple, girl playing. CU of cat. Girl and mother in yard with doll c...
33) 0290.0010 [Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 10
Amateur: Pan of coast. Animals in distance. Family picnic. Girl on swing, riding tricycle. Family ice skating. Large group of laughing girls pose in yard. LS of boat in bay. Pan...
10) 0290.0011 [Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 11
Amateur: Houses. People coming in and out of house. Dog. Slow pan of large city in distance. Playing golf. Riding bicycles. Family seated in yard. Tent in yard. Girls playing.
18) 0660.0001 Blue Hill Class Reel 1
Date from edge code on film. // About 20 people in chairs draw people on lawn. Cow is led about in front of them. Shot is from rear of students. Boy climbs on donkey and is led ...;A woman with a donkey stands in front of a group of students with notebooks. A boy leads the donkey in front of the group. The boy sits on the donkey while another boy leads it....
38) 0660.0002 Blue Hill Class Reel 2
Date from edge code on film. // Pekinese dogs on lawn. Asian girl, about 5 years old, gestures, dressed in robe. Waters flowers. Goose. Boy does somersault on lawn, plays in spr...;Three Pekinese dogs on the lawn. Pekinese and Pekinese puppies playing tug-a-war with a person off screen. Close up shots of the dogs. An Asian woman and little girl. Shot of th...
1) 0660.0006 Guatemala, 1932
Title, 'Costa Rica, Billy the Ant Eater.' Woman's legs and small animal on ground. Title, 'Nicaragua, Where More U.S. Marines were ruined by Boredom like this than were killed b...;Title card: [Costa Rica. Billy the Ant-Eater.] An anteater on a leash, being played with by two women of whom only their feet are shown. Intertitle: 'Nicaragua. Where more U.S. ...
16) 0660.0007 Guatemala, Mexico 1932-1933
Street scenes including vendors, people smiling and waving at camera, bull fight.;A line of men in various uniforms walking down the street. One man breaks off from the group to pose for the camera and is joined by a man with a guitar. A crowd gathers to pose...
19) 0660.0009 Palestine
Title, 'Life in a tent. Swaddling baby. Making coffee. Spinning. Making bread.' Silhouettes. Exterior. 'Village scenes. Lilies of the Field? Shepherd boys. Views of people outsi...;Title card: 'LIFE IN A TENT – Swaddling Baby Making Coffee Spinning Making Bread.' A family gathered under a tent. A woman swaddles a baby and rocks the baby in a hammock. A man...
4) 0660.0010 San Francisco World's Fair
Title, 'The News Parade,' 'San Francisco World's Fair,' A century ago new world pioneers braved months of hardship over unexplored trails and uncharted seas.' Covered wagons, ox...;Title card: 'CASTLE FILMS presents', 'THE NEWS PARADE EDITED BY EUGENE W. CASTLE', 'SAN FRANCISCO WORLD’S FAIR.' Intertitle: 'A century ago New World pioneers braved months of ...
19) 0665.0006 [Otto Siebert--home movies] Bermuda
Village scene, ship, water, horse and buggy.
5) 0665.0008 [Otto Siebert--home movies] Camp 32 and Our Friend's Families
Mountains, white frame house, lake, snow scenes.
8) 0672 cat. 5359-08-CAMP-34 [Frederic E. Camp--home movies] 76 Ranch
01:05 Tree-lined road (orchard). Mule cart with three passengers, boys in cowboy hats. More passengers in back of cart. Adobe house. 01:06 Man lays out bedding outside. Woman in...
24) 0675 [Maher--home movies]. Reel 13. Jack Benny, Our Gang, Salmon Pool, Water Sports, Lucerne
1931 from date code, shots of parade with stars (including Jack Benny?) dark exposures. b&w views of horse being led in snow. Snowy exteriors. Playing with lariats. Woman di...;Penobscot Salmon Club is featured. Bangor Waterworks buildings and dam shown with sports in boats. The Penobscot Salmon Club is a historic private fishing club on North Main S...
15) 0690 [unidentified--home movies]
Amateur: Snowy street, large homes. Snow on coast. Ocean. Men with boat. Old car on snowy road. Homes. 'Curly Meserve' sign on truck. Man waving. Icy bay. Winter scenes end. Bay...
8) 0691.0001 [Mahlon Walsh--home movies] Reel 1
Amateur: two men using two-horse plow. Flowers and birdbath. Lengthy segment of person in beekeeping clothing using bee sprayer or smoker. Lupine flowers. Poorly focused flower ...
9) 0695.0001 Winter Sports in the White Mountain National Forest
Recreational sports including skiing, sledding and snowshoeing in New Hampshire. Opens with map of New England including Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, ...
26) 0696.0018 [E.H. Maxcy--home movies]
NHF viewing notes as follows. Reel notes in quotes. 5511-09 'Boothby Tree, Viggo II' Dev before 9/33. 100 ft. Cutting down large tree. Street, cop, cars, dog on snowy lawn.
25) 0696.0023 [E.H. Maxcy--home movies]
NHF viewing notes as follows. Reel notes in quotes. 5511-14 'Lyseth' Dev before Sept 38. Date code 1936. 100 ft. Color (Kodachrome) Farm with chickens, lake camp. The family on ...
25) 0712.0002 [Forrest Colby--home movies] Winter log hauling
Can/box note: 'Dead River logging. March 1, 1932.' NHF cataloguer's notes: Winter. Quick shots. Horses pull logs down snow road with snub line attached. Trees marked with cross ...
30) 0714.0002 [Dr. A.K. Schuster--home movies] Little Log Cabin in the Northern Pines
Amateur story film called 'The Little Log Cabin in the Northern Pines' by Dr. A.K. Schuster of New Haven, CT, a dentist who came to Brownville, Maine, with his daughter, Frances...
2) 0721.0002 [Naturalist Films] Tape 2
Untitled educational/cultural films and nature films. // Date range from information in collection folder. // Original footage is 16mm film. // NHF retains video copy with the f...
1) 0737.0006 [Abbott family--home movies] Reel 06
NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96, for REEL 6: (5 min.) Boys all in uniform of white oxford shirts under black sweaters with gray pants, walking in snow. Snowball thrown across camer...
1) 0738.0001 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 1
Intertitle: “A TRIP AROUND WAYSIDE INN FEBRUARY 5, 1932.” Intertitle: “REAL WINTER AT LAST” followed by men and boys shoveling grounds. Intertitle: “SHOVELING OUT THE INN” fol...
14) 0738.0003 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 3
Beginning is an exact duplicate of reel one – see 0738.0001. Only exception: The Intertitle “IT’S BEAUTIFUL! BUT HARD ON THE OXEN” appears backwards in this reel. Duplication ...
1) 0780.0001 [Sawyer--home movies] Reel 001
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows (box/reel notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned). Reel 1: 'Beaver ; 1937'. Length :52. b&w.;Beaver walking on river bank.
33) 0838.0011 [promotional footage by Harrie B. Coe] Reel 11
NHF cataloguer's notes (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): Reel 11: Man feeding geese. Girl and dog drinking from sculptured fountain. Shots of stone house and cars in a garage.
11) 96-034.0014 Family, 1933-1937--Oscar R. Houston--home movies. Reel 14
Compiled black-and-white and color home movies shot between 1933 and 1937 of several family gatherings in Nevada and at home in Great Neck, NY.;Reel opens on the American Potash & Chemical Corporation building in Henderson, NV. Street view of industrial plant, mountains in background, desert landscapes. Car driving th...
15) 1108.0045 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 045
NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96: Reel 45 Archie Stewart can notes: 1935 hunting. Not of general interest. Screening notes: Men shooting rifles. Mary taking notes with older man, U...
16) 1108.0054 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 054
Reel 54: Archie Stewart can notes: Sound. Mary sings Solveig's song. Poorer odds & ends. Xmas tree. AES, TWS. Roy & Sadie. Grandpa & Ma Barnes. Otto, Ann & Geo. ...;SOUND Screening notes: CU on Mary singing (room lighting cast shadow on face). Grandma Stewart writing on lap in front of Christmas tree. Archie narration 'Grandma Stewart's bir...
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