7 work results

4) 2177.0004 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 4
Label: 'DOB Fall 1929.' // Many tears and poor splices needed repair. // Footage of canoeing, family hunting party at dockside.;Canoe with two men, one standing paddles by. Men around smoky campfire framed by woods. Man wields axe. Dark shot of man with rifle in woods walking slowly, crouches. He loses ...
2) 2177.0058 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 58
Label: 'Kodacolor Dobsis 34-35 - Smiths Riding.' // Film has edgewave. // Image appears b&w but is likely a Kodacolor print.;DVD slate: Reel 58. Dobsis 1934-1935. Smiths Riding. Trees. Dobsis Camp from boat. Shoreline. Pine tree on shore. Views of trees from water. Taking an axe to flagpole, then sa...
3) 2177.0059 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 59
Label: 'Dobsis Color 1935, 1936.' // Color is faded.;DVD Slate: Reel 59. Dobsis. 1935-1936. Faded color (pink). Picnic outdoors, then men walking along fenceline at Dobsis. Men sitting on porch at Dobsis Camp. Henry Dennison shows...
32) 2177.0060 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 60
Label: 'Dobsis Color 38.';DVD slate: Reel 60. Dobsis, 1938. Color: indistinct tree. Sunset from a boat (unstable camera position), various shots. Storm clouds. Lake views, motor canoe. Man with rope,...
13) 2177.0061 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 61
Label: '1928 Fishing Trip.';DVD Slate: Reel 61. Fishing Trip 1928. Water coming through dam, line of cabins in the background. Canoe, two people fishing. Man with net waits to bring in his partner's fish....
15) 2177.0063 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 63
Label: 'Dob Hunting 29.' ;DVD slate: Reel 63. Hunting 1929 Brush, following birds flying. On lake, duck (blurry). On lake, far shore, then light through clouds, sunset. People walking in middle dista...
5) 2177.0064 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 64
Label: '1927 2nd Trip Dob.';DVD slate: Reel 64. Second Trip DOB 1927. Stacked canoes from POV in a leading canoe. Lake landscape. People diving into water from diving board, people balancing on floating l...
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