35 work results

6) 1140.0300 [Fruit Street School Arts and Crafts]
Children engaged in arts and crafts activities at Fruit Street School in Bangor. Part of weekly Friday afternoon series.
16) 1140.0309 [Art Exhibit]
Label on film: 'Art Exhibit.' // People browse artworks on display. Possibly at University of Maine.
20) 1140.0482 [Art Class]
Interior of elementary school art classroom. Art projects on display.
8) 2716.0002 [Cityline: Focus - Black Leadership in the 90's]
A television special for WCVB's locally produced program "Cityline" on the current state and the future of African American leadership in Boston and the rest of the country.;Credits: Produced By Karen Holmes, Directed By Donna Hennessey, Associate Producer Valerie D. Navy, Assistant Director Frank Firnschild, Production Assistant Laura Brown, Techni...
8) 2716.0027 [Aqui - Drug Conference #104]
X5516; WCVB code 45; Aqui; Drug Conference; Rain forest; No. 104; Red. date: 2-18-92; Air Date: 2-16-92;#104 Drug Conference to educate North Americans about the many uses of coca plants; Interview with Cuban artist Marcos Carvajal and his expression of Latin American art; Tropica...;Credits: Produced By: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed By: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Director: Frank Firnschild, J. Isaac Laughinghouse; Technical Di...
10) 2716.0029 Aqui - [El] Salvador / Bilingual Education
Donaldo Macedo is interviewed about bilingual education; Cuban artist Marcos Carvajal is interviewed and his work is discussed; El Salvador's civil conflict is discussed in ligh...;X4577; WCVB code 3; Aqui; El Salvador/Bilingual Education; Rec date: 2-22-92; Air date: 3-1-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Jim Lowell; Technical Directo...
18) 2716.0039 [Aqui - Columbus Quincentenary #116]
Expo ’92 held in Seville, Spain (500th anniversary of Columbus crossing the Atlantic); Tall Ships celebration in Boston; Native art exhibit at Tufts, Tisch Center. ;Aqui - Columbus Quincentenary; X5914; No 116; Rec date: 5-19-92; Air date: 5-17-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim; Technical Directors: Baya...
5) 2716.0052 [Aqui - James Crawford & Firehouse Arts Center]
Aqui Hold Your Tongue;James Crawford, author of the book "Hold Your Tongue", is interviewed about the idea of official language laws; The Firehouse Arts Center is featured for its range of arts and c...;Credits: Producer John R. Green. Directed by Dick Puttkamer, Greg Kidd. Production Assistant Jennifer Nieman. Assistant directors Jim Lowell, Jam Hakim. Technical directors Skip...
9) 2716.0059 Aqui - Masks; Holiday Sweets
1. Masks of ancient and modern America; Masks of Puerto Rico festivals; Artist interview with Lucas Posada; Holiday Desserts; Scenes of Boston.;Aqui - Masks; Holiday Sweets; X6067; Rec. date: 12-26-92; Air date: 12-27-92;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Dick Puttkamer; Production Assistant: Jennifer Nieman; Assistant Directors: Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger; S...
12) 2716.0144 Calendar - March
X-769 Series Title: Calendar Program Title: March Submaster Rec. Date: TBA Air Date: TBA;Calendar teaser for the range of stories carried in the show; homeschooling; choosing to single parent; the legal challenges for single mothers; the MacDowell Colony -- a portio...
11) 2716.0189 Cityline - Focus
Master Cityline - Focus; X456; Rec. date: 4-24-90; Air date: 4-29-90;Slate: “CITYLINE/FOCUS VTR: X456 AIR: 4/29/90 REC: 4/24/90 DIR: RUBIN”. Intro. Slate: “Focus: Brother Can You Spare Some Time”. Karen Holmes introduces a special on Boston organ...;Credits: Produced by Karen Holmes; Directed by Phil Rubin; Associate Producer Valerie D. Davy; Assistant Director Jam Hakim; Production Assistant Laura Brown; Technical Director...
9) 2716.0199 Cityline - #2; Black leadership
Master; Cityline - #2; Black leadership; X458; Air date: 1-26-92; Rec date: 1-7-92;Slate: “Cityline Black Leadership – 1 VTR: X455 Rec: 1/7/92 Air: 1/12/92 Dir: Rubin”. Intro. Titles: “Cityline”. Karen Holmes introduces the episode, part two of a series on Bla...
55) 2716.0200 Cityline - Black Leadership #1
Cityline - Black Leadership #1; rec date: 11-7-92; air date: 11-12-92; X455; WCVB code 11.;Panel discussion about Black leadership by spokespersons Joan Wallace-Benjamin; Ed Rodman; Duane Jackson hosted by Karen Holmes. ;Credits: Produced by: Karen Holmes; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Production Assistant: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Technical Director: Bayard W. Peabody, Jr.; ...
5) 2716.0203 Cityline - Kerry; Omegas
Master; Cityline - Kerry; Omegas; X983; WCVB code 34; Rec. date 4-7-92; Air date: 4-12-92;Affirmative action and reverse racism in candidate John Kerry's speech raises the ire of the Boston community; Thomas Farrington; David Thomas; Omega Psi Phi and its membership,...;Credits: Produced by: Karen Holmes; Directed by: Donna Hennessey; Production Assistant: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Jim Lowell; Technical Director: Bayard W. Peabody, Jr.; ...
6) 2716.0217 Cityline - Whoopi; Advertising
Cityline - Whoopi; Advertising; X2617; WCVB code 24; rec date: 9-15-92; air date: 9-20-92;Cityline - Whoopi; Advertising Whoopi Goldberg, MBongeni Ngema; Leleti Khumalo are interviewed; Advertising to the Black consumer; Colette Phillips and Bink Garrison are interv...;Credits: Produced by: Karen Holmes Ward; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Jim Lowell; Technical Director: Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Au...
7) 2716.0219 Cityline - Wilkerson Williams Writers
Cityline; Wilkerson Williams Writers; X4365; Rec date: 9-29-92; Air date: 10-4-92;CityLine; Arthur Williams and Diane Wilkerson, two candidates for the state senate, answer questions in their question for election votes; at 15:00 a flashing re-cue message app...;Credit: Produced by: Karen Holmes Ward; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Jim Lowell; Technical Director: Bayard W. Peabody, Jr.; Aud...
8) 2716.0224 Cityline - Stuart Case; Black Artists
Cityline - Stuart Case; Black Artists; X4929; WCVB code 39; Rec date 11-17-92; Air date: 11-22-92;"Has justice been served in the Stuart case and masters in African American Art"; Overview of the Charles Stuart case and Matthew Stuart's sentence. Reporter Amalia Barreda ta...
9) 2716.0239 Cityline - MLK Papers
Master; Cityline - MLK Papers; X975; Rec date: 5-11-93; Air date: 5-16-93;Slate: “Cityline VTR: X-975 Rec: 5/11/93 Air: 5/16/93 Dir: Hennessey”, “Karen Holmes”. Title: “CityLine”. Karen Holmes hosts an episode looking at Coretta Scott King legal fight...;Credits: Produced by Karen Holmes-Ward; Director: Donna Hennessey; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Technical Director: Bayard Peabody, Jr.;...
26) 2716.0333 Family Works Sunday - Back to School
X3098; FW/Sunday; Back to School; Rec Date: 8/11/93; Air Date: 8/22/93 Time: 9:30AM;[Studio audio audible during black segment] Slate: “Family Works Sunday Show: 9 Vtr: 3098 Record: 8/11/93 Air: 8/22/93 Director: Hennessey”. [Countdown] “Family Works Sunday” an...
15) 2716.0387 Good Day - #3406; Langdon Hill; Margaret Whiting; Kate Burke; Athena Kotarides
Dub;#3406; Good Day; Athena Kotarides wins a diamond ring; Linda Evans is interviewed on the set of Dynasty; Langdon Hill known as Mr. Romance is interviewed; Margaret Whiting is i...
21) 2716.1164 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Sketch a Lighthouse #71
Dub Captain Bob CB71 Sketching a Lighthouse No. 71 Rec. 4/19/86;Capt. Bob talks about what to use for drawing, and he looks at five lighthouses that have different styles, two in Maine; two in Connecticut; one in Massachusetts; Capt. Bob dem...;Credits; Bob Cottle, Alex Frisbie,
60) 2716.1266 New England Sunday - Sunday, May 19, 1985, #408
NES Sunday May 19, 1985 No. 408 pt. 2 Rec. 5-19-85 Air. 5-19-85;Clip about Babe Ruth. Jan Holmes talks with Dr. Bob Brooks, a clinical psychologist, Alan Glou and his daughter Lori Glou, whose mother passed away when she was young. They talk...;Credits: New England Sunday; with Frank Avruch and Jan Holmes; News with Brian Leary; Weather with Bill Hovey; Produced by Elizabeth Cheng; Directed by Donna Hennessy Smith; Ass...
13) 2716.1870 Chronicle - Boston Marathon Goes Pro; Copley Society artists; MBTA Walkout
Aircheck: Friday April 16, 1982 TS: "Marathon goes Pro" FS: Paint the Town Interview / MBTA, Arnie in Studio, Disability Pensions;TS Marathon Goes Pro; FS Paint the Town; Interview/ MBTA Arnie in Studio; Disability Pensions (Disability); The Boston Marathon as an amateur even in its final year is reviewed;...;In the studio Chet Curtis, Donna Downes, Jeanne Blake, Philip S. Balboni, Charles Kravetz, Judith Stoia, Dick Puttkamer, David Skillicorn, Ron Blau, Vince Canzoneri, Joyce Ferri...
20) 2716.1871 Chronicle - Marathon Monday
Aircheck;Marathon Monday; 86 years of races are recalled with highlights noted, as the course changes a bit and professionals are soon to be encouraged with prize money; once money is in...;April 19th, 1982 - Marathon 19:31:05 - Chet + Jeanne on set - 19:31:22 Donna Downes at Eliot Lounge 19:37:03 Arnie on camera - 19:42:57 Jeanne at Marathon 19:43:58 - J[?] runnin...;In the studio Gabriel Garcia; Philip S. Badoni, Charles Krovitz, Judith Stoia, Dick Puttkamer, David Skillicorn, Ron Blau, Jeanne Blake, Chet Curtis, Donna Downes, Pam Cross, Jo...
36) 2716.1917 Chronicle - Haverhill Death; Governor King; George Barak; The Muppets
Aircheck Chronicle: Friday June 18, 1982 TS: Haverhill Death FS: Governor Kind PS: George Barak PS: The Muppets;Haverhill Death; Governor King; George Barak; The Muppets Governor King on the question of drunk driving repeat offenders and a shortage of jail space; Haverhill jail death; an...;In the studio Chet Curtis, Philip S. Balboni, Charles Kravetz, Judith Stoia, David Skillicorn, Bill Lowell, Ron Blau, Jeanne Blake, Vince Canzoneri, Donna Downes, Hamilton Fishe...
6) 2716.1921 Chronicle - In Vitro-fertilization; Casper Weinberger Interview
Chronicle: Aircheck Friday June 25 1982 TS: Test Tube Babies - Casper Weinberger Interview - Martha Vineyard's Blacks;In Vitro-fertilization or "test tube" babies and Eastern Virginia Medical School and Massachusetts laws prohibiting the practice; Casper Weinberger interview on the topic of nuc...;In the studio Chet Curtis, Donna Downes;
27) 2716.1924 Chronicle - NAACP
Chronicle: Aircheck June 30, 1982 Wednesday TS: NAACP FS: Piano PS: Adoption;NAACP convention and a look through its history, and in interview with Benjamin Hooks; Randall Hodgkinson and his piano performances; post on-air video captured. ;In the studio Chet Curtis, Donna Downes;
10) 2716.1993 Chronicle - Thomas Eakins; NC Wyeth; Jamie Wyeth; Norman Rockwell
Chronicle: Wed October 20, 1982 Thomas Eakins - N.C. Wyeth - Jamie Wyeth - Norman Rockwell "Captured on Canvas";Captured on Canvas: NC Wyeth as an illustrator; Jamie Wyeth on Monhegan Island in Maine is interviewed on the occasion of his grandfather's 100th birthday; 19th century Thomas E...;In the studio Jeanne Blake, Peter Mehegan, Lisa Schmid, Hamilton Fisher, Ava Botelle, Avanti;
3) 2716.2026 Chronicle - Movie Survey; Peter Goober; Richard Zunuck; David Brown Interview; Black Movies
Chronicle: December 9, 1982 Movie Survey - Peter Goober - Richard Zunuck / David Brown Interview - Black Movies "Tidings from Tinseltown";Movie Survey; Peter Goober; Richard Zunuck; David Brown Interview; Black Movies; the season offers something for everyone; silent video during commercial breaks; Peter Goober is...;Credits: Segment Producers: Rory O’Connor, Arnie Reisman, Karen Holmes; Mike Barnicle’s Column Appears in the Boston Globe; Film Clips Courtesy of: MGM/UA, Entertainment Co., Un...
30) 2716.2217 Chronicle - Art; MFA Louis Armstrong, Grandma Moses
Chronicle: Aircheck Thursday September 22, 1983 Art: MFA, Louis Armstrong: Grandma Moses;Whistler and American artists at the Museum of Fine Arts; Louis Armstrong exhibit; Grandma Moses exhibit.;In the studio Jeanne Blake, Peter Mehegan;
13) 2716.2401 Chronicle - World of Difference
Aircheck: February 28, 1985 Thursday Chronicle World of Difference Boston Black Community;Boston Black Community History of Black communities in Boston, and questions about Mayor Flynn’s current plan for Roxbury; profile of 93-year-old E. Allice Taylor; Mike Barnicl...;In the studio Mary Richardson, Peter Mehegan, Karen Holmes, Jerry Kirschenbaum;
3) 2716.3143 Chronicle - Blacks in Business
Aircheck Thursday April 21, 1988 Black in Business;Blacks in Business; commercials included in taping; even though businesses are actively recruiting Blacks, the population does not feel welcome because there are negative storie...
9) 2716.3282 Chronicle - On the Road Again pre-taped
Aircheck;On the Road Again pre-taped; western Maine mountains and lakes are visited near Dead River; interviews with residents of the Flagstaff Lake area talk about their history; Sugarl...
7) 2716.3563 Chronicle - MSBR/ Massachusetts
Aircheck;MSBR/ Massachusetts; commercials included; Stockbridge village and Norman Rockwell are revisited; interviews of locals and discussion of Rockwell's work are the bulk of the stor...;In the studio Mary Richardson, Peter Mehegan, Lorie George, Leon & Co, Norman Rockwell Museum;
14) 2716.3803 Chronicle - Blacks in the Military
Aircheck Chronicle: Thurs. March 14 1991 Blacks in the Military;Blacks in the Military; representation of Blacks among every branch of the military is disproportionately high to the general population, though President George Bush characteri...;In the studio Peter Mehegan, Pat Bates, Bob Comiskey, Judi Guild, Art Donahue, Jim Fripp, Curt Reichenbach, Christine Finn, Susan Sloane, Chris Stirling, Mark Mills, Paul LaCame...
Next 36