10 work results

1) 0789.0001-.0146 [146 Reels of Sports footage]
12-20 years of sportscast covering all sports by WCSH's first sports caster. Comes with scripts. Cans found 6/99 may have useful dates and other information to help link reel nu...
17) 0789.0004 [Pre-match training for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 4
Reel 4: Pre-match training at Poland Spring Hotel, Poland Spring, Maine, for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lewiston, Maine (May 1965).;[Silent] Airplane taxis. Sony Liston and his wife Geraldine Liston get off the plane and greet people on the tarmac. They leave the airport through a crowd of fans. [Sound] S...
8) 0789.0005 [Pre-match weigh-in for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 5
Reel 5: Unrelated interview with a doctor about the Olympics in Mexico followed by Weigh-in for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali [Cassius Clay] boxing match that was held in Lewiston...;[Sound] Interview with a doctor about a sickness that someone might catch while traveling to Mexico, and about the Olympics. [Silent] Police wait by a door as people arrive and...
32) 0789.0015 [Pre-match weigh-in for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 15
Reel 15: Reporters set up and fighters weigh-in for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lewiston, Maine (May 1965). Reels 4, 5, 15-18, 27, 28 and 31 all re...;[Silent] News cameras set up for the Sonny Liston-Ali fight. Scan of reporters. Cut to men driving in a car. Drive through a crowd of people pushing up on the windows. Insid...
10) 0789.0016 [Pre-match weigh-in for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 16
Reel 15: Colby hockey and swim teams and an interview with a football player. Footage from the weigh-in for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lewiston, ...;[Silent] Camera pans across the Colby Hockey team. Swimmers on the side of the pool and in the water. Swimmer presented with a trophy and the team jumps in the pool. [Sound] ...
11) 0789.0017 [Pre-match interviews for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 17
Reel 17: Pre-match interviews at the Poland Spring Hotel, Central Maine Youth Center, and with Governor Reed about the Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in...;[Sound] Interview with a man about why the Central Maine Youth Center in Lewiston was chosen for the Liston-Ali fight, preparations and ticketing information, and Sonny Liston t...
12) 0789.0018 [Pre-match footage for Liston-Ali fight] Reel 18
Reel 18: Pre-match doctor visits and signing contracts for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lewiston, Maine (May 1965). Reels 4, 5, 15-18, 27, 28 and 31...;[Silent] Sonny Liston and Muhammad Ali sign pre-match contract and shake hands. B-roll of the room (in Logan Airport hotel?) Muhammad Ali shows his belt to the press. Ali and...
36) 0789.0027 [Louis, Walcott, and Braddock visit the Maine State House] Reel 27
Reel 27: Boxers Joe Louis, "Jersey" Joe Walcott, and James Braddock visit the Maine State House and then answer questions from the media about boxing and the upcoming Sonny List...;[Silent] Boxers Joe Louis, "Jersey" Joe Walcott, and James Braddock walk into Maine State House. Greeted by the congress, then go to meet the Governor. [Sound] Interview with ...
14) 0789.0028 [Pre-match interviews with sports writers about Liston-Ali fight] Reel 28
Reel 28: Interviews with sports writers at the Pre-match training at Poland Spring Hotel, Poland Spring, Maine, for Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lew...;[Silent] Crowd at the Sonny Liston Muhammad Ali fight. Ali jumping around the ring in his robe before the fight. Liston and Ali weigh in. [Sound, lots of static] Interview wi...
2) 0789.0031 [Pre-match interviews with sports writers about Liston-Ali fight] Reel 31
Reel 31: Interview with sports writers about the upcoming Sonny Liston - Muhammad Ali boxing match that was held in Lewiston, Maine (May 1965). Reels 4, 5, 15-18, 27, 28 and 31 ...;Audio is difficult to hear for 7 minutes; Interview with a man about Maine boxing history, Mysterious Billy Smith, and the Sonny Liston-Mohammad Ali fight. Interview with other...
Next 36