22 work results

341) 2716.0696 Jabberwocky - Things You Wear #J3
Jabberwocky; Things You Wear; #3; Rec. date 10-15-79; J-103 3-18/72;Jabberwocky: Things You Wear; still photographs of a child getting dressed; theme song; Frank and Trina talk about how clothing affects the way people perceive each other; a vid...;Credits: Cast: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky; Executive Producer: Fred Schilpp; Producer: Gail Frank; Director: Dave Gosey; Associate Producers: Carol Lawr...
2) 2716.0697 Jabberwocky - Hands #J4
Jabberwocky J104 "Hands" Show #4 Rec. 10-15-79;Jabberwocky: Hands; theme music and visuals; Carl and Frank demonstrate hand gestures that convene meaning; Mr. Buchanan talks with the studio children about the importance of h...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dave Gosey, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Carol Lawrence, Dewey Bergman, Jr., ...
4) 2716.0698 Jabberwocky - Friends #5
Jabberwocky J105 "Friends" Show #5 Rec. 11-79;Jabberwocky: Friends; children describe what a friend is; theme music and visuals; the studio children demonstrate what the characteristics of friends are; Mr. Buchanan and Trin...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dave Gosey, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Carol Lawrence, Dewey Bergman, Jr., ...
28) 2716.0712 Jabberwocky - Flying #J14
Jabberwocky J14 "Flying";Jabberwocky: Flying; mimes demonstrate flying; theme music and visuals; Peter Johnson and Carl talk about principles of flight; Carl shares with Frank a film about how planes wo...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dick Puttkamer, David Lawless, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Jill Katz, Nadine...
54) 2716.0719 Jabberwocky - Music #J18
55) 2716.0720 Jabberwocky - Music #J18
Jabberwocky J18 "Music";Jabberwocky: Music; Frank and Carl open the episode talking about why Carl is whistling; theme music and visuals; Frank claims to know what music is because he is a mud-bucket p...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dick Puttkamer, David Lawless, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Jill Katz, Nadine...
35) 2716.0721 Jabberwocky - Being Creative #J19
Jabberwocky J119 "Being Creative" Show #19 Rec. Jan. 80;Jabberwocky: Being Creative; scenes of young people making boats out of home objects; theme music and visuals; Carl introduces the show by talking about what it means to be crea...
9) 2716.0732 Jabberwocky - Sleeping #J26
Jabberwocky; Sleeping J26; J-126; Rec. date Feb. 1980;Jabberwocky; Sleeping: Carl provides a voiceover set of facts about sleeping while the viewer sees people in various poses of sleep-state; introduction to the show; Frank is asl...;Credits: Cast: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky; Executive Producer: Fred Schilpp; Producer: Gail Frank; Director: Dave Gosey; Associate Producer: Michel Conn...
12) 2716.0741 Jabberwocky - Hearing and Listening #J30
Jabberwocky J30 "Hearing and Listening";Jabberwocky: Hearing and Listening; Frank asks Carl what the topic is for the day, and Carl demonstrates noisy items and makes funny sounds; theme music and visuals; Carl and Fr...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Jill Katz, Nadine Taylor, David Lawless, Michele Connors, Dan Kolsrud, Dewey Bergman...
14) 2716.0749 Jabberwocky - Having Fun #J34
Jabberwocky J34 "Having Fun";Jabberwocky: Having Fun; Frank reads jokes, and Carl and Trina listen to him practice; theme music and visuals; Mr. Buchanan and Carl talk about Mr. B.'s new invention, a feathe...;Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dave Gosey, Michele Connors, David Lawless, Jill Katz, Nadine Taylor, Dewey Bergman, Jr., Adam A. ...
16) 2716.0755 Jabberwocky - Peter Pan #37
Jabberwocky J37 "Peter Pan";Jabberwocky: Peter Pan; a special-version presentation by the Charles River School players; Tinker Bell and Peter Pan visit the children's room to retrieve his shadow; Peter and...;In the studio Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dave Gosey;
12) 2716.0761 Jabberwocky - Machines #J40
Jabberwocky J40 "Machines";Carl and Trina introduce the episode, while Mr. Buchanan works on a new invention. Title sequence: ‘Jabberwocky’. Mr. B leads a group of children at the Worcester Science Center...;Credits: Cast: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky; Executive Producer: Fred Schilpp; Producer: Gail Frank; Director: Dave Gosey; Associate Producers: Carol Lawr...
18) 2716.0768 Jabberwocky - Wheels #J44
Jabberwocky J144 Show #44 Wheels Rec. 4-80;[Episode incomplete. Tape damaged] Slate: “Prod Jabberwocky VT# JS-009 Show# 9 Remarks: Wheels”. Footage of wheels. Title: “Jabberwocky”. Carl and children ride bicycles. Dirty...
351) 2716.0772 Jabberwocky - Trash/ Junk #J46
Jabberwocky J46 "Trash / Junk";Slate: “Prod “Jabberwocky” VT# 140 Seg. 1 Director Putt Junk + Trash Date 6/3/72”. Dirty Frank hears an announcement on the radio that the fire department will be doing inspecti...;Credits: Cast: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky; Executive Producer: Fred Schilpp; Producer: Gail Frank; Director: Dick Puttkamer; Associate Producer: Michele...
20) 2716.0793 Jabberwocky - Rules #J58
Jabberwocky; Rules; J158 "On Rules" 9/72/72;Jabberwocky: Rules; Joanne and Carl talk about the script for the show. They see a sign on a bench that says "Wet Paint" which they disregard and sit on the bench. When they get...;Credits: Cast: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson; Bob Prosky; Executive Producer: Fred Schilpp; Producer: Gail Frank; Director: Dan Kolsrud; Associate Producer: Shelagh Gr...
5) 2716.0801 Jabberwocky - Your Body #J63
Jabberwocky; You Body J163; Rec. Date 7-80; #63;Jabberwocky: Your Body; Trina and Carl are doing a work out, but Frank says he doesn't need to work out; theme song; they return from their jog and get ready to do the show; Tri...;Credits: Cast: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky; Executive Producer: Fred Schilpp; Producer: Gail Frank; Director: Dan Kolsrud; Associate Producer: Shelagh Go...
294) 2716.0817 Jabberwocky - Puppets #J71
Jabberwocky; Puppets Show #J71; J-171; Rec. date 8-80 10-21-72;Jabberwocky; puppets; Frank introduces the show; introduction theme song and visuals; the surprise box contains a ventriloquist and Henry Gabbo; Dirty Frank calls out for his fr...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopha, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schipp, Gail Frank, Dan Kolsrud, Shelagh Gordon, Jeo Bailey, Jill Katz, Josie McGuire, Al Libby, Tom Jurk...
Next 36