85 work results

1) 2502.0085 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 85
Christmas Party, Boating;Xmas picnics origs Mary Baby U[?] All Family Fishing Mike Bob
2) 2502.0084 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 84
From the Track & Field News Film Library Track & Field News 1968 Olympic Stars of the Pole Vault -Super 8-
3) 2502.0083 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 83
Track & Field News 1968 Olympic stars of the Pole Vault 8mm Bad spot on Film - pull through
4) 2502.0082 [Henry and Lucille Baribeau Films] Reel 82
A Florida Color Short St. Augustine --- Part II length: 100 ft. Price $15.00 St. Augustine - Part 2 Wurtele Film Productions Orlando Florida
5) 2502.0081 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 81
2 Horse Show Nancy + Mary Lynn S8
1) 2502.0079 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 79
Xmas 1985 Live Tree Betty Mary [MI..?] Bob Louisa - Elizabeth Michael Diana, [Tristan] Good L.L. Bean
8) 2502.0078 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 78
Elizabeth Good Feb 6 mos.
9) 2502.0077 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 77
Poor/Shot of Elizabeth Splice Elizabeth Old Farm Rd.
10) 2502.0076 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 76
Baby in swing Mostly Bad Poor Exp
11) 2502.0075 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 75
Winter 1981 Good Hank shoveling + Bob climbing Chainer Pond
12) 2502.0074 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 74
2 Horse show Nancy + Mary Lynn S8
13) 2502.0073 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 73
Bob Mary + Pony [Poor]
15) 2502.0071 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 71
Track Meet Bob Koona State Track Bob Kuna
30) 2502.0070 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 70
Supermarket + Last day Mike + Bob
17) 2502.0069 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 69
Training the seal at the Seaquarium Porpoise
28) 2502.0068 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 68
Fashion Show Mike Bob Seaquarium Sharon
20) 2502.0066 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 66
Crandon Park Boys + Sharon
21) 2502.0065 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 65
All Marcelle's Party
24) 2502.0064 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 64
Marcelle David + Sharon in Pool + at Beach
23) 2502.0063 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 63
Boys Diving at Pool
22) 2502.0062 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 62
Boy Diving at Pool
25) 2502.0061 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 61
Pool - First Day Marcelle Sharon Boys
20) 2502.0060 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 60
Skiing [Tommy Delois] 1968 1969 Mom + Mary [B...?] [Pony + Kittens] 1972 Good
27) 2502.0059 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 59
Sugarloaf 1969 Winters Way Snow Tunnel Mike bob Mary Lynne [?Learning] [Tom Delois] Good
28) 2502.0058 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 58
Mary Storyland + Mike 8th Grade 68?
17) 2502.0057 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 57
1964 + 1965 Crew at Camp + Mary Lynne on [Skiis]
30) 2502.0056 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 56
1964 Summer baby Mary Lynne 1 Hank's Trip to Canada 2 + Marcelle's Camp + Mary Lynn
31) 2502.0055 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 55
1964 Family Picnic + Boat Leonards etc.
32) 2502.0054 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 54
Summer 1 - Mos 1963 Baby Skiing 8 Mos Winter 1964 Mary 18 Mos Skiing
33) 2502.0053 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 53
Boat Boothbay Trip picnic Aug 63 D. [MacFadper] Dottie Jacki + Hank Haley
12) 2502.0052 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 52
1963 July Dottie [Mac] Baby Mary
35) 2502.0051 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 51
Mary Lyne + Bobby Kitchen Addition Memorial Day Parade Mike in Color Guard Summer 1963
36) 2502.0050 [Henry and Elizabeth Baribeau Films] Reel 50
Sugarloaf 1962 - 1963 Goat Trail 1/2 Tote Road Mom, Bob
Next 36