9 work results

33) 0339 cat. 0026-07-WABI-61 Machias Flood
Machias: Flooded ditches and roads, picnic area underwater, logjam, houses and stores, Narraguagas and Machias rivers.
13) 0432 Tall Timber Days
Event including logs ready for cutting and crowd.
15) 0433 cat. 1045-01-WABI-65 Tall Timber Days
Stratton: WABI reporter Mike Dolley covers logging competition including chain saw cutting races, tree chopping races, crosscut saw races, Dolley introducing commercial breaks, ...
48) 0453 cat. 1061-21-WABI-67 End Rack Pulp Wood Cars at Bangor & Aroostook Railroad
WABI Reporter (Gordon?) with Mr. Swill of the B & A talking about the new pulp wood cars: their loading, cost ($17,000/each), uses, and railroad's future. Discuss route of the B...
13) 0456 cat. 1071-14-WABI-67 Scott Logging Operations at Greenville, Pt. 1
Greenville: Tree de-limber working on trees. Crew watching. Logging crane picking trees. Men looking at branches. Cleared site.
17) 0456 cat. 1071-17-WABI-67 Scott Logging Operations at Greenville, Pt. 2
Greenville: Man in cleared field. Tractor dragging logs. Men stacking and cleaning logs. Foreman with megaphone giving instructions to assembled workers. Tractor pushing logs. M...
17) 1191.0462 [Complaints]
Solon resident files complaints over Kennebec River log saturation.;Reporter interviews a man on the riverbank. The interviewee is appealing to the state attorney to make the river more accessible by limiting the logs paper companies are floatin...
24) 1490.0002 [NHF Compilation - Promo Reel 2]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tape contains: 1. B&A pre-iced railroad cars ad, 60 sec., sof, cat.no.1009-06, dated 5/17/61 2. Freeses Gold ...
33) 1490.0005 [NHF Compilation - Promo Reel 5]
1988 NHF compilation tape of news stories from BHS/WABI Collection. Tape contains: 1. Univ. of Maine electronic brain, cat.no.0029-16, dated 1961 2. Union Street Tower demolitio...
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