33 work results

1) 2182.0001 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 1
Label: 'Special Occasions - Christmas 1968, Tom's 2nd Birthday.' // Footage of Christmas and birthday party.
2) 2182.0002 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 2
Label: 'Tom's 3rd Christmas 1968.' // Christmas footage.
3) 2182.0003 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 3
Label: 'Stacey's First Birthday.' // Footage of birthday party.
27) 2182.0004 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 4
Label: 'Tom's 4th Xmas, Stacey's First, Tom's 3rd Birthday.' // Footage of Christmas and birthday party.
26) 2182.0005 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 5
Label: 'Christmas 1971 & Tom's Birthday.' // Footage of Christmas and birthday party.
35) 2182.0006 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 6
Label: 'Christmas 1971.' // Footage of Christmas.
35) 2182.0007 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 7
Label: 'Tom's 6th Birthday Party.' // Footage of birthday party.
8) 2182.0008 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 8
Label: 'Frank & Abby; Mabel Furber Garden; Tom, Stacy & Mom.'
9) 2182.0009 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 9
Label: 'John G. 2nd Christmas.' // Footage of Christmas.
10) 2182.0010 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 10
Label: 'Christmas '76' // Footage of Christmas.
11) 2182.0011 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 11
Label: 'Waterskiing Cup.' // Footage of waterskiing.
18) 2182.0012 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 12
Label: 'Easter 69, Waterskiing 69.'
13) 2182.0013 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 13
Label: 'Party, Ice Skating at Camp 1970.' // 1969 date code on film.
14) 2182.0014 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 14
Label: 'Waterskiing Camp.'
15) 2182.0015 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 15
Label: 'Ed Waterskiing at Camp.'
16) 2182.0016 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 16
Label: '(illegible) - XMAS.'
17) 2182.0017 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 17
Label: 'Wendy & Paul's Wedding.'
11) 2182.0018 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 18
Label: 'XMAS 1972, Charlene & Gay, Wendy's Wedding.' // 1969 date code on film.
13) 2182.0019 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 19
Label: 'Hunt - Danovic (spelling?) Wedding.'
21) 2182.0020 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 20
Label: 'Waterskiing and Honor Club 1968.'
21) 2182.0021 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 21
Label: 'Honor Club, Concord 1969.' // 1968 date code on film.
12) 2182.0022 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 22
Label: 'Honor Club Camping Trip 1970, Honor Club Chateau Frontenac.'
56) 2182.0023 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 23
Label: 'Honor Club 1970, Chateau.' // 1969 date code on film. // Chateu Frontenac?
36) 2182.0024 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 24
Label: 'Honor Club - 3rd, Stacey 2nd Birthday.
54) 2182.0025 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 25
Label: 'Reunion 1970.'
26) 2182.0026 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 26
Label: 'Vacation - Florida & New Hampshire.'
27) 2182.0027 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 27
Label: 'Canada 1967.' // 1966 date code on film.
28) 2182.0028 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 28
Label: 'Niagara Canada April 1967.' // 1966 date code on film.
29) 2182.0029 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 29
Label: 'Vacation - Canada Trip 1967.' // 1966 date code on film.
30) 2182.0030 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 30
Label: 'Vacation, Camping at Wolf Lake Canada, Water Skiing.'
31) 2182.0031 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 31
Label: 'Camping with Strouts in Runford (Rumford?) and Wolfe Lake Canada, Vacation.'
32) 2182.0032 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 32
Label: 'Vacation Niagara Falls 1967.'
33) 2182.0033 [Fernands Family--home movies] Reel 33
Label: 'Storyland & Camping with St Muts (? - illegible) N. Hampshire.
Next 36