15 work results

2) 2313.0001 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 1
Can notes: "Bemi Trunk Movie - In + Out 1922? + 8/23/47 copy made Feb. 1962." Donor notes: "Original copy (I think) of '34 Bemi Explode from a Trunk'. August 23, 1947 Plus o...
3) 2313.0002 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 2
Donor notes: "Original copy (I think) of '34 Bemi Explode from a Trunk'. August 23, 1947 Plus other So. Tam. [South Tamworth, NH] . Reunion events of same date (Mother's 70th y...
1) 2313.0009 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 9
Can notes: "S.T. Christmas 1927" Bemis family Christmas at their farm in South Tamworth, New Hampshire, 1927. Alan Bemis in some shots. Sunny day with snow on the ground. Sno...
4) 2313.0010 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 10
Can notes: "Ann + Margot 1931." Donor notes: "Ann + Margot Weston March 21, 1931 Ann + Margot indoors Cohasset June 1931 Ann + Margot outdoors Kodacolor poor color Cohasset...
5) 2313.0018 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 18
Donor notes: "Bemis Maine 1938 +1937? EXLPT for GAM Cruise" "Summer High Head - 1938 (+37?) Cirrus + Corbeau getting ready for sail [illegible] Ringtown- Shurcliffs on Cirrus ...
10) 2313.0020 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 20
October Thru February 1939-40 Donor notes on can: October thru February, 1939-40. Faith in October, Dec, 12, 1939 + Jan 19, 1940. Ann + Alice Jan 21, 1940 Ice + swimming in M...
23) 2313.0023 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 23
Family Stuff--July 1939-June 1941 16mm col. 350 ft. Donor notes on can: "Family Stuff- Wayland-Faith at 6 mos. Air Views of Maine, Jan 1941 July 1939 - June 1941" Donor Note...
28) 2313.0034 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 34
Ann+Margot 1929+1930 Donor notes: "Mary, Peggy, Whiskers + others on lawn [C.H.] + baseball in meadow April 7, 1929 Ann- outdoors pos...
9) 2313.0035 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 35
Ann+Margot/Hunting 1932-1933 Donor notes: "Margot (in Trumbull's hse [sic] upstairs Dec. 1931 Ann+Margot - Tumbull's April 1932 Start of O...
10) 2313.0036 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 36
Ann+ Margot 1934 Donor notes: "Ann+ Margot 1934 April 29 1934 on Billy July 15---+ Tennis Oct 34 - on Billy Nov 3 34 ...
11) 2313.0037 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 37
Kids Wayland 1935-6 Donor notes: "Wayland 1935+36 Ann coasting (sled + Austin) Feb 1935 Alice (4 weeks old) April 5, 1935 Transplanting Red Cedar May 25, 1935 Ann + Margot u...
12) 2313.0038 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 38
Kids Wayland 1936 Donor notes: "Wayland 1936 Ann + Margot coasting + skiing Feb 29, 1936 Alice- 1 Yr. old - March 1936 Ann + Margot 'Jack + Jill' May 14, 1936 Alice 1st s...
11) 2313.0039 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 39
Kids Wayland 1938-39 Donor notes: "Wayland 1938+39 Alice feeding chickens + Easter Egg hunt etc. April 16, 1938 Snow scenes--Nov 26,27, 1938 Ann - bird hunting Christmas ...
28) 2313.0041 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 41
Family Stuff Maine + Mass. 1937 Donor notes: "Family Stuff 1937 Alice with dogs and kids on pony Jan 1937 Kids on cycles--------May 1 1937 Airplane at Wayland Kids + Dad in...
15) 2313.0043 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 43
Family Stuff [mostly] Becky - Oct. 1946 Donor notes: "Autumn 1946 thru August 1948 Concord- autumn colors - 1946 Becky in spring -1947 Becky Nov 22 - 1947 Becky - Easter - ...
Next 36