23 work results

30) 1140.0045 [Muskie on Congress]
Press conference with Senator Edmund Muskie. Discusses newer, younger Congress and the public's dissatisfaction with both political parties. Believes public feels that the congr...
31) 1140.0049 [Debate on Longley Nominee]
Don Carrigan report on Executive Council meeting on nomination of John Robinson by Governor Longley for Commissioner of Finance and Administration. Robinson is currently Preside...
32) 1140.0050 [Longley on Nominees]
Bob Steele report on Governor James Longley nominees for government positions within his cabinet. Speaks at news conference on giving equal opportunity for nominees, says he wou...
33) 1140.0061 [Longley on Law Enforcement]
Governor James Longley speaks at press conference about law enforcement and costs of sheriff's departments. Working on modification of county law enforcement structure. Longley ...
5) 1140.0066 [Ezzy on Possible Firing]
Bob Steele report on Governor James Longley problems with women's groups. Shirley Elias Ezzy talks about the possible firing by Governor. Believes she can not be fired because s...
6) 1140.0081 [Longley Names Poulton To Post]
Bob Steele report on Governor James Longley nominee to cabinet. Dr. Bruce Poulton, Vice President for Research in Public Services and a teacher at the University of Maine named ...
7) 1140.0094 [Levesque on Longley]
Unidentified reporter interviews Emelien Levesque on Governor James Longley's relationship with legislature and Longley's appointments.
8) 1140.0134 [Mental Health and Corrections Director]
Don Carrigan report on hearings for Governor James Longley's nomination of Dr. John Rosser as head of the Department of Mental Health and Corrections. William Donahue noted duri...
9) 1140.0135 [Environmental Protection Commissioner]
Commissioner of Environmental Protection William Adams discussing hearing process, would like to see it speeded up.
10) 1140.0150 [Longley Asks for UMaine Board Resignations]
Bob Steele report from interior of State House on Governor James Longley reforms and ongoing battle with the University of Maine. Asks for the University's board of trustees mem...
11) 1140.0152 [Reaction to Longley's Call for UMaine Resignations]
Bob Steele interviews former member of University of Maine board of trustees (Stephen Hughes?) about Governor James Longley's call for current trustees to resign. Believes Longl...
24) 1140.0155 [Cohen on Electronic Surveillance]
Representative William Cohen speaks at press conference regarding testimony on electronic surveillance and telephone wiretapping by government agencies and the National Security...
13) 1140.0156 [President Neville on UMaine Budget]
University of Maine President Howard Neville speaking at podium in academic attire proposes raising salaries at University. Interview with Bob Steele, discusses Governor Longley...
9) 1140.0335 [Averill on Planning Commissions]
Label on film: 'Averill on Coastal Plan.' // Toby Averill of Penobscot Valley Regional Planning Commission speaks about role of government and attempts by the state government t...
15) 1140.0376 [Longley Says Media Too Negative]
Label on film: 'Longley at Me Press Association.' // Silent footage of Governor James Longley speaking at banquet. Followed by sound portion with Longley speaking about need for...
16) 1140.0534 [McKernan on Redeemable Container Bill]
Carrigan interviews State Representative John McKernan, Jr. outside the Capitol Building about the chances for the container bill being passed and the need to add a referendum c...
17) 1140.0587 [Dirigo Boys State]
Interview with member of Boys State about election, says he will likely pursue a government job in the future.
18) 1140.0822 [Monks on Politics]
Interview with Robert Monks about people willing to serve in public office and that there are now many talented people offering Maine voters with good choices. Says while he is ...
12) 1140.4850 [Brennan]
Attorney General Joseph (Joe) Brennan interviewed on various issues.
13) 1140.5439 [Brennan]
Joseph (Joe) Brennan; short clip/'bump' for item 1140.5440
14) 1140.6039 [Brennan]
Governor Joseph (Joe) Brennan on Barringer [Richard E. Barringer?] nomination.
22) 1140.6175 [Brennan Names Campbell]
Governor Joseph (Joe) Brennan names George N. Campbell Jr. as economic development commissioner. Campbell talks about the recession. Dale Duff reports.
23) 1458.0302 [McKernan Final State-of-the-State Address]
Governor John McKernan's final state-of-the-state address. Made to a joint legislative session at the State House in Augusta in January, 1994. Mentions magnet school concept, we...
Next 36