2 work results

6) 2716.1551 Paula Lyon's Consumer Journal - Paula Lyons Consumer Special
Master Specials - X4315 Paula Lyons Consumer Special Rec. 9/29/86;Title: “Paula Lyons Consumer Journal”, “Wheeler Dealer”, “The Chief Zany of Miscellany”, “Home, Home Out of Range”. Paula Lyons hosts a one hour special, looking at various cons...;Credits: Producer: Arnie Reisman; Writers: Paula Lyons, Elaine Pappas Graber, Arnie Reisman; Associate Producer: Debra Shapiro’ Contributing Producer: Elaine Pappas Graber; Edit...
5) 2716.1056 Miller's Court - King of the Road #97
Miller's Court X3948 Master; (Seat Belts) "King of the Road"; Rec: 4/16/86;Miller's Court: King of the Road; Scene opens with a driver behind the wheel going around a roadblock and talking to the radio; he is pulled over by the police for having no car...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comisky, Curtis Poole, Mar Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Bryan Lans, Chris O'Har...
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