2 work results

11) 2716.1636 [Citizen's Summit II - One Hour Version]
X4207 Master Specials Citizen's Summit II Rec: 6/25/86 Time: 58:27;[Same as 2716.1635, with slightly different editing, added commercials and credits.] Slate: “Citizen’s Summit One Hour Version Rec. 6/22/86”. Title: “Citizen’s Summit II Women ...;Credits: Senior Program Producers: Pam Roberts, Ed Wierzbowski; Producers: Jane McClary - U.S., Sergey Skvortsov - U.S.S.R., Pavel Korchagain - U.S.S.R; Directed By: David L. Mc...
2) 2716.4492 Donahue in Boston
Donahue "Mandela" X4199 Rec. 10/30/86;[Includes racial slurs] Slate: “Donahue Show: 11036 Rec: 10/30/86 Subject: Roxbury Secession Referendum”. Donahue talks to a live audience about Roxbury referendum to separate ...;Credits: Executive Producer: Patricia McMillen; Senior Producer: Gail Steinberg; Directed by: David L. McGrail; Producers: Lori Antosz Benson, Janet Harrell, Marlaine Walsh Seli...
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