2 work results

13) 1509.0001 "James Russell Wiggins" with Charles Kuralt, CBS, January 22, 1982, aired, and out-takes.
NHF Tape 1. 'Charles Kuralt, CBS, Wiggins Show, Takes, Jan 22 1982, Edited and Unedited';The 60 minutes of video has three parts. Part I: 1:00 is the broadcast version of a Charles Kuralt piece as aired and includes soundbite from a resident of Maine describing wh...
19) 1509.0002 'C-Span 1989, Interviews, Bryan Lamb with J.R. Wiggins and Richard and Helen Dudman' (archival original 3/4 SP; original VHS returned); NHF Tape 002
Helen and Richard Dudman are interviewed by Bryan Lamb, seated in the Augusta legislative chambers. The broadcast is live. They are introduced as owners of WWMJ/WDEA radio stat...
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