4 work results

7) 1451.0001 [Wohelo Camp Footage 1919-1923]
NITRATE // Promotional work featuring Wohelo camp activities. // Intertitled. // Canoe paddling by team of young women, who dive off canoe together; jewelry making; clay and pot...;Title: ‘On the shores of Lake Sebago, Maine, dozens of radiant clear-eyed girls made the Luther Gulick camp, Wohelo, their own. Here under the personal super-vision of the late ...
21) 1451.0001.01 [Wohelo Camp Footage 1919-1923] (Duplicate Negative)
Duplicate negative made at Cineric from toned nitrate original (acc.1451.0001).
22) 1451.0001.02 [Wohelo Camp Footage 1919-1923] (Release Print)
Print made from duplicate negative (acc. 1451.0001.01). // Print has blue color tint. // Includes National Film Preservation Foundation (NFPF) title card at head. // Promotional...
22) 1474.0001 Maine Canoe Trip: Moosehead Lake Area
Amateur footage of Maine canoe trip in Moosehead Lake area. Intertitled. Donor's notes: shot by Larry Lougee, guide was Henry Perley, Chief Red Eagle. Film shot possibly as prom...;Title: ‘MAINE CANOE TRIP’, ‘MOOSEHEAD LAKE AREA’, ‘GUIDE HENRY RED EAGLE PHOTOGRAPHY LARRY LOUGEE’. Intertitle: ‘Route Followed:- Greenville to Rockwood on Moosehead Lake; North...
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