39 work results

9) 0721.0003 [Naturalist Films] Tape 3
Untitled educational/cultural films and nature films. // Date range from information in collection folder. // Original footage is 16mm film. // NHF retains video copy. // NHF vi...
2) 0759.0004 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 4
Rubber raft from Cape on lake, views of Cape and beach at other end of lake.;People on boats and an inflatable raft. People in canoes. A house on the shore. A raft with a slide. People on a dock. People swimming. People on the inflatable raft. The water ...
17) 1026.0001 [Elizabeth Thompson Reed--home movies] Reel 1
[illegible] at 215 Bishop. Bill. Burd's 1st cat Anne + friends in snow. Grandfather Reed. Watch Hill, Eddy. Children. Nanna, Uncle Blair. Bill + Hotchkess. (over) [illegible] on...;Four women in chairs in a garden. Three older women outside a stone building. A young girl leaning against a pillar. Two girls holding cats. Puppies in a dog house. Dogs seen th...
6) 1026.0003 [Elizabeth Thompson Reed--home movies] Reel 3
1935 Watch Hill Marinda christening Bliss + Sara W. Bliss's friends Marinda + canary Bermuda 1936? Bliss + Sara Watch Hill Marinda Nanna Grandmother Reed Father. Ruth + Hazard G...;[Film tinted magenta] A group of men and a group of women seated outside. The shot switches back and forth between the two groups. A priest/minister. A crowd of adults and child...
24) 1108.0052 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 052
Reel 52: [Archie Stewart can notes: Sound, June 20-26, 1936. Rotary Club at Atlantic City.] ;SOUND Screening notes: Archie narration throughout. WS of colonnaded building with flag bunting draped from balconies. Pedestrians walking on boardwalk. WS of emblem of Rotary C...
25) 1108.0073 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 073
Reel 73. // Archie Stewart can notes: 'Sound. Trip to Florida, winter 1937 and 1938 (personal).' // Color is faded, text in quotations is Archie Stewart narration. // SOUND Ann...
26) 1125.0001 Charles, John and Mary Ranlett in Bangor and Lucerne, Maine, 1938--Ranlett--home movies
Black-and-white home movie shot in 1938 of the Ranlett family at the beach at Lucerne-in-Maine and at home in Bangor, Maine.;From John Ranlett, letter to Northeast Historic Film, August 18, 1994: "The three children who appear frequently in the film are Charles Ranlett (age 6 in 1938), John Ranlett (a...
16) 1154.0063 Annual Sail and Clam Bake, 1938--Arthur Libby Race--home movies. Reel 63
Color home movies of the City of Boston Hotel Association's Annual Sail and Clam Bake, August 2, 1938.;On can: "Bake August 1938";Title: "CITY OF BOSTON HOTEL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL SAIL and CLAM BAKE/AUGUST 2nd 1938" The reel begins with the boat setting out from dock with an all-male group gathered on boa...
9) 1318.0017 Friends, Rockport, Singing Beach, 1938--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 17
Compiled home movies of Summer 1938, includes scenes of Rockport, MA, Worcester, MA, and Providence, RI. ;Written on can: "Summer 1938, Penard--Klein--Messenger--Rockport--Rough--Singing Beach, R.I. Case--Moco--Cooper--Kleimhanse, Lodges--Flora, 1938 Worcester A-, Sara I repaired/Ne...;Summer 1938 A- (reviewed 8/23/65, originally 12/13/60) Title NATURAL COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY (blue) BU Law School--girls Renard--"Joe" Klein--Messenger Flora, SBH Sara I [...] Rockpo...;Title: “Natural Color Photography by Samuel B. Horovitz” Five or six adults downtown. Close-ups of faces; women wear hats. At the yacht club, two men in dinghy; man in hat ge...
6) 1318.0091 Friends and New York World's Fair, 1939-1940--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 91
Compiled home movie reel includes footage of the 1939 New York World's Fair, the schooner Thomas H. Lawrence in Ipswich, MA, and the aftermath of a snowstorm in Newton, MA.;Written on can: "Black/Sharkey/World's Fair/XX/Cooper/Sunken Boat--SAXE/Snowstorm early 1940" ;From note card received with film: "Reviewed 8/23/64 1940 Friends==Black & White B+ to C Samograms (black) Sharkey (A- face, black & white) his dept girls (in Wash DC) (Signs) U...;Title: "Sam-O-Grams" Reel opens in black-and-white with a short sequence of three people shot in close-up. In color, the top of the Soviet Pavilion is seen above rooftops on ap...
11) 1327.0008 [Whipple--home movies] Reel 8
Reel 8: Pan field in snow. Tiny silhouettes of people walking, skiing. Right pan of parking lot to shot of hood in foreground. (Tremendous depth of field in shot.) CU man skiing...
12) 1327.0009 [Whipple--home movies] Reel 9
Reel 9: Man exits house with golf clubs, followed by two boys. Boys on stilts amble across lawn. Two boys on different sized stilts walking across camera frame. CU parents (25:...
28) 1327.0019 [Whipple--home movies] Reel 19
Reel 19: Beach. Three boys gathered around a smoking fire. Wide angle. Adults and children gathered on beach. Pan of group. Engaged in various positions eating and playing. Low ...
5) 1327.0025 [Whipple--home movies] Reel 25
Reel 25: (4:29) B&w. House. Cottage with striped awnings over windows. Young girl wading playing with inner tube and dog. Shivering. Saying "I'm cold, I'm cold." Boat. Men and w...
16) 1375.0013 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 13
13. July 1930--Tom somersaults, [Schriblr] and Glunk funeral, Greenwood lake, Island, Fred mid bathing, Caroline and others, fishing party, tennis, beach ride, Sheepscot trip, E...;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 13: (00:30) Father and son playing with blocks. Pall bearers taking casket to a hearse. Children swimming in outdoor pool. (04:00) Child with you...
17) 1375.0014 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 14
14. Day at shore Sept 1930, trains, races, Budd [Lak] picnic, Erik for Maine, Tom on Roberts bike, Navy-Princeton game, c. [af], rabbit. ;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 14: (17:50) Family on sea shore boardwalk. Shot of blimp. Family picnic on beach. Play ground on beach. Family raking leaves in front of house. (...
19) 1375.0016 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 16
16. June 1931, Susanne indoors (super), July 1931, shore and circus, Aug 1931, Isle of Springs, Bensams, Aug 1931, Isle of Springs sunset, inspector. ;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 16: (00:00) Man with infant and child. (04:00) Outdoor picnic. Blimp in air. Family at beach. Gray image. (07:00) Outdoor circus events. Horses. ...
29) 1375.0026 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 26
26. Isle of Springs 1933, July 26, Doug and Dan at tennis and leaving Sawyers, San picking berries, Aug 3, 1st ball game, San out front, Aug 6, Sunday ball game, Aug 10, 2nd bal...; NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 26:Woman wheels infant in open carriage down small wooden bridge. Woman wheels infant in carriage on ground by small pond. Boulders and trees of...
22) 1375.0030 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 30
30. 1934--June 24, Sealbright bathing group, July 1, San as Scotch lassie, Tom as horse, July 4, Tom, San, July 12, Billy's [birthday] party, July 17, S.S.Florida, Ned and Lorra...;NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 30 :36:03. Men, women with various articles such as suitcase. Woman carries blanket. Man crouched down under beach umbrella. We are at the beach. Chi...
11) 1375.0046 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 46
NHF cataloguer's notes (reel numbers assigned by donor or creator): Reel 46: (overexposed) family on beach; man in bathing suit walks towards camera w/ hot water bottle; small b...
21) 1375.0047 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 47
NHF cataloguer's notes (reel numbers assigned by donor or creator): Reel 47: girl fixes snowman; LS snowman; snow around snowman has melted; small clump of snow that was snowman...
22) 1538.0006 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 6
Label on can: 'Reel 27.' // Note on reel: 'E.H. Reed.' // Film has 1931 and 1934 edge codes. // Intertitle: 'WEST INDIES CRUISE. S.S. LADY NELSON Summer 1934.' 'BERMUDA.' Woman ...
23) 1657.0001 [Margaret May McGrew Hunter--home movies] Reel 1
Can notes: No. J. Blk and white, Prince of Walec-Hon; Polo--Uncle Jay 1928; Polo-Army Game 1928; England-Rowes, Graf Zeppelin. Processing notes, PSL: Marching Band, polo, blimp,...;A parade with a marching band of men wearing kilts and playing bagpipes. A group of children and toddlers playing together. Men playing polo. A blimp/zeppelin. People on the bea...
24) 1666.001 [Marie Underwood--home movies]
Box originally labeled 'The St. Mihiel Drive' Divers at an outdoor pool. Clowning on diving board. Children swimming. Beach scenes. Drawing in the sand. Sunbathing.
29) 2132.0019 South Bend, WA, 1938--Joshua D. Maule, Jr. Family--home movies. Reel 19, Accession 2132
On can: "1938 South Bend/Washington";Compiled black-and-white and color home movie depicting a 1938 Maule family road trip through San Francisco, CA, to South Bend, WA.
1) 2155.0005 White House Garden Party, ca. 1936--Dewson Family--home movies. Reel 5
Label on film box: 'Weis-White House Garden Party.';B&W – A young girl, boy, and woman (Polly Porter) stand on a small beach. [Potomac River?] Sheltie dog on a leash. The boy breaks a stick and throws it into the water. They...
27) 2241.0015 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 15,  Accession 2241
Box notes: "1937- South Shore Bathing Beach floats & bath houses" A party of young women arrives at a sandy beach with their swimming gear, then gathers around a bath house ...
28) 2419.0038 Children, beach, hunting, picnic, wedding, 1935-1940--Abraham Katz--home movies. Reels 38
Portrait shots of men sitting outside. Two men playing catch in the yard. Adults and children outside. Children on the swings and slide. Men playing baseball. Little boy wi...
14) 2419.0056-.0069 Abraham Katz--home movies. Reels 56-69
Black and white and color amateur footage of the Katz family around Cambridge, MA, construction of the EMF store, family vacations around New England including Benson's Wild Ani...;Reel 56: b&w Winchester Conservatories building, women emerge from front door carrying flowers. Cemetery, gravestone of Josephine T. Cohen, age 23 years. Reel 57: b&w Child...
1) 2463.0001 Family and friends in Maine, 1937-1938--Cyrus Pinkham--home movies. Reel 1
Black-and-white reel compiling home movies of Pinkham family and friends at several Maine locations, including Gardiner and Pemaquid Beach.;Margaret - Cyrus - Charles & Peggy, Dot - Grandma, 1937, 1938 - Picnic at Buzell's with Farmers, Pinkhams and Smiths - Grandma's House - Dad's Old Home - The Rolfes - Margaret,...;Young woman picking flower from garden, playing with cat, smoking in repose. Intertitle: "Cyrus" Cyrus seen smoking, diving and swimming, in stage makeup as an older man, and ...
31) 2550.0013 B&W - Paddock - copper - quartz - lead -- Adelaide Pearson -- home movies, Reel 13
B&W - Paddock - copper - quartz - lead;A woman (Laura Paddock) examining a stone. Paddock and a dog on a beach. Paddock digging in the sand. Paddock breaking stones with a hammer. [End of Reel]
32) 2550.0015 [Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 15
A woman (Laura Paddock) and dogs sitting by the water. Paddock is breaking stones with a hammer. Paddock examining stones and playing with the dogs. [End of Reel]
3) 2550.0016 [Adelaide Pearson -- home movies] Reel 16
A woman (Laura Paddock) breaking stones with a hammer and putting the broken pieces in a bag. Paddock digging and collecting sand on the beach, accompanied by dogs. [End of Reel]
14) 2747.0015 Saybrook family activities and sailing, 1934-1937--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 12
Film 10B: 1934 - B and Ches 1936 - Saybrook: Topsy, George, Ches rowing 1937 - Saybrook: Ches birthday, swimming, fishing, beginning of sailing trip with Lunds, Devil's Hopyard...;[Emulsion peeling so image appears to have fractals over it] Chester and Barbara at the beach with another little girl. Chester finds a crab and shows it to the camera. Group ...;Notes from the family: "Stone structure is old Fort Tyler, located at eastern end of Long Island. Dates to the Spanish-American War when it was built as a defense for New Yor...
35) 2980.0007 [Elizabeth Thompson Reed--home movies] Reel 10
Watch Hill Yale Baseball;Watch Hill - Aug '31 Uncle Blair Aunt Florence Anne + Nanna Commencement Ball Game (Bill Hammond?) Swimming Anne in Pantalettes Ball Game 1932? Commencement Anne, Janis Whitney ...;Close up of a woman. Three people in seated outdoors. A young girl approaches with a book. A garden. People in the garden. The young girl and an older woman walking in the garde...
36) 3003.0001 [Alan Earls--Reel 1]
Franklin Recycling Film Find 6/2018 16mm 200' Kodachrome Summer 1939? Quebec City, Electric Trolley, Chateau Frontenac, City Scenes, Horse and Carriages, 1930s Vehicles, Montmor...
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