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36) 1108 [Archie Stewart--home movies] VT8 (part 2)
Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Our cottage at Little Squam Lake, NH. Christmas Day, 1992. Nana, Archie, Fred and Mary, Abby , Tom and Ann and William and Virginia, Ann and Dick Magu...
14) 2991.0030 Hiram Bridge – 1992 Snowstorm – 1994 Xmas
2018-065 Hiram Bridge Construction 1990-91 by Priscilla Howard 2018-66 Hiram Snowstorm by Priscilla Howard 1992 2018-067 Christmas at Florence Kimball’s 1994 Hiram Bridge – 1992...;After home movie footage is TV off air recording of NBC News covering Gulf War/Operation Desert Storm.
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