359 work results

1) 0003.0001 [Holman Day outtakes]
About 75 scenes, outtakes from several Holman Day Productions. Slates throughout read 'H. Day Prods., Carle/Gandolfi' with various scene and take numbers. Reel is not organized ...
1) 0010.0001 Winter and Auto Trip Around Gaspé Peninsula--Walter V. Mitton--home movies. Reel 10
Viewing notes from VHS, February 2012. No slate at head of access copy. Views from train of river in winter, people standing by ice dam. At Greenville, Maine, train station...
5) 0133.0002 Trout Fishing, Rangeley Lakes
Dated October 1906. Made for the New England Forest, Fish and Game Assoc. 'The subject is a trip to a fishing camp by train, boat and pack route. All the necessary operations to...;Title: ‘1573’, ‘TROUT FISHING RANGELEY LAKES. American Mutoscope & Biograph 1906 H71525’. Intertitle: ‘A Trout Fishing Trip To The Rangeley Lakes. Copyrighted 1906, BY THE A...
1) 0147.0001 Maine Catholics, 1920-24
Death of Bishop Louis S. Walsh. Cardinal Hayes arrives. Priests and 4th degree Knights of Columbus honor guard. Train arrives with Cardinal. Late Bishop in Bangor, May 30, 1920....
14) 0154.0001 St. Croix Bridge, Vanceboro
Single newsreel story about German saboteur's attempt to destroy international railroad bridge at Vanceboro, Maine. Pan and CU of men walking across bridge with peaveys. Site wh...
1) 0169.0001 Young Offenders
Episode #5 in series. // Interviews with young offenders and staff people in the Maine criminal justice system.
8) 0173.0001 Introduction of Code and Rules of Justification
'The Maine Criminal Code Education Project: A Discussion of the New Criminal Code' by Professor Fox, chief counsel, Maine Criminal Law Revision Commission. Explanation of Maine ...
12) 0174.0001 Crimes Interfering [with] Law Enforcement
'The Maine Criminal Code Education Project: A Discussion of the New Criminal Code' by Professor Fox, chief counsel, Maine Criminal Law Revision Commission. The program intends t...
8) 0177.0001 Men's Corrections, A Profile
master. An overview of Maine's correctional institutions. Includes segment on the Waterville Community Justice Project (this segment, Acc. 0178, had been transferred earlier to ...
12) 0178.0001 Men's Corrections, part #3. A profile of the Waterville Community Project
This program series is a demonstration project in crime prevention, stressing early intervention. This segment focuses on the program at the Waterville Community Justice Project...
21) 0252.0060 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 60
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 60: (300 ft., dc 1934) 'West Indies, South America cruise #3.' 'Up the Andes by train.' Caracas. Down to La...
15) 0290.0012 [Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 12
Amateur: Pan of mountain. Hawk's Nest overlook sign. Aerial shot of train. Pan of mountains. Bridge shot from boat. Other boats. Snowy residential street and trees. Cars. Box #1...
28) 0290.0020 [Frank Nash--home movies] Reel 20
Amateur: Very shaky shots of woman standing with baby and others in yard. Poor exposures. Baby crawling. Couple helping small girl to walk. Car. Adults clamming. Train approachi...
13) 0307 cat. 1001-10-WABI-54 Last Steam Locomotive
Bangor: Silent footage of Engine 470 steaming into Bangor train yard, including the brakeman and engineer checking wheels and adding water to the engine; crowds of spectators l...
12) 0309 cat. 0007-05-WABI Simulated Plane Crash Fire
Bangor ? : Scenes from a simulated plane crash fire as fire fighters try to get it under control. Night. Scenes of planes taxiing on runway. Ref. 300.
29) 0310 cat.1002-10-WABI-59 Dow Air Fair
Bangor: Mock helicopter rescue including pickup of pilot from crashed airplane and firetruck with water gun.
25) 0311 cat. 1002-14-WABI-59 Damaged Plane Dow Air Force Base
Nighttime shots of damaged airplane from various angles.
62) 0312 cat. 0008-12-WABI-59 Paul Dwyer (?) Press Conference
Paul Dwyer (?) is being paroled after 22 years in prison. He wears bow tie, glasses. Answers questions. He will go to work in Norway, Maine at the Stone Hotel. He will continue ...
5) 0312 cat. 1003-03-WABI-59 Hermon Accident
Hermon: Accident scene including car with front end smashed in.
36) 0313 cat. 0009-05-WABI-59 Interview at Dow Air Force Base
Bangor : Interview with two Air Force men about their surviving a midair collision and being in the Maine woods before help could arrive. Questions about their careers, the acci...
34) 0314 cat.1004-02-WABI-59 Interview with Crash Survivor
Lieutenant Johnson has apparently just survived an airplane crash. He is interviewed at a table.
14) 0315 cat.0010-05-WABI Car Accident
Car accident. Shots include several angles of damaged car, and road and traffic from point of view of driver.
20) 0318 cat.0013-02-WABI Car Accident
Car accident. Shots of car and crowd.
10) 0318 cat.0013-05-WABI-58 Train Derailment North Maine
Northern Maine: Train derailment. Shots of engine off track, engineers surveying damage, damage, train pulled back onto track.
17) 0323 cat. 0017-13-WABI-60 Accident at State Street
Bangor : Minor accident. Shots of cars and damage.
29) 0324 cat. 0017-07-WABI-60 Accident
Car and bus collision at Hudson intersection. Shots of damaged vehicles, accident scene.
16) 0324 cat. 0017-08-WABI-60 Tractor Accident at Auditorium
Bangor : a farm tractor is flipped back into position by a wrecker in front of the civic auditorium.
39) 0325 cat. 0018-07-WABI-60 MCRR 1st Freight Service
Christening ceremony for Maine Central Railroad's new Freight Express. Shots include christening by woman and engineer looking from his station as train pulls out.
16) 0334 cat. 0024-13-WABI-62 Gas Main
Damaged gas main. Police directing traffic around it, men working on it, spectators.
11) 0335 cat. 0025-05-WABI-61 Racing at Bangor Fair
Horse and buggy race including an accident.
36) 0336 cat. 1009-03-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Ad including train pulling past camera, man backing up a truck and dropping off a crate, more footage of train rolling by.
13) 0336 cat. 1009-04-WABI-61 Mr. Gordon Robertson
Robertson speaks on railroads, including Bangor & Aroostook Railroad.
102) 0336 cat. 1009-05-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Commercial: composite master copy of commercial about Bangor & Aroostook Railroad's free pickup and delivery service. Same as 1009-03.
19) 0337 cat. 0023-04-WABI-61 101 B Crash
Recovery of crashed 101 Bomber. Shots of search party, crash site, forest, wreckage.
27) 0338 cat. 0025-14-WABI-61 B & A Railroad
28) 0338 cat. 1009-13-WABI-61 Plane Crash at Dedham
Dedham: 101 bomber crash including sections of airplane and trees scattered on ground, path gouged into woods, people standing around, an official speaking.
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