6 work results

25) 1295.0005 [John Howard--home movies] Reel 005
Amateur footage of 1960s Orrington scout troop or Katahdin Council Contingent activities. Box notes as follows. Reel numbers are donor-assigned. 5. Last night, 1964 jamboree, an...
19) 1295.0007 [John Howard--home movies] Reel 007
Amateur footage of 1960s scout troop activities. Box notes as follows. Reel numbers are donor-assigned. 7. T44. KSR.
19) 1295.0009 [John Howard--home movies] Reel 009
Amateur footage of 1960s Orrington scout troop activities. Box notes as follows. Reel numbers are donor-assigned. 9. Girl scout trip. Boston. KSR, sandwiches and reveille.
12) 1469.0002 [John K. Howard--home movies] Reel 2
NHF cataloguer's notes, 6/97: Reel 2: (04:39) Couple walking across field, they pause at a wooden fence, woman has cane. (05:01) Three women and man talking by fence. Horse show...
21) 1469.0011 [John K. Howard--home movies] Reel 11
NHF cataloguer's notes, 6/97: Reel 11: (31:00) Intertitle: 'The Thirty Fourth Annual Running of the Maryland Hunting Cup.' 'Run In Worthington Valley, Maryland, April 30th, 1927...
25) 1469.0020 [John K. Howard--home movies] Reel 20
NHF cataloguer's notes, 6/97 (intertitles in quotes): Reel 20: 'Ponies For Young Children Won By Alexander Cochrane On 'Jack''. (02:42) Child astride pony. Man walks beside hors...
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