5 work results

1) 2313.0003 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 3
Can notes: "Cirrus Cruises 1930's. An edited SNS original" On leader: "SNS Pix Cruising on Cirrus". Sidney Shurcliff was a classmate of Alan Bemis' at Harvard. Shurcliff ...
2) 2313.0015 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 15
Why Do Oysters Perspire? Reel 1 Donor notes: "March 1980 5 copies made. Why Do Oysters Perspire? Alan Bemis original. Reel 1 (Jewel Robbery) Motormaulers 1934 Original" 2313.00...;The Saga of the Motormaulers The Motormaulers First Film - Concord, N.H. In 1930, when some of us involved were still hanging around Harvard University, Sid Shurcliff reported t...
10) 2313.0022 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 22
Cruising Reel 2 Donor notes on can: "CRUISING REEL II as edited by SNS 1947" Donor notes in can: "CIRRUS -1930s" Meeting up w/ George Wheelwright's Valgerda in Machias Bay B...
4) 2313.0037 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 37
Kids Wayland 1935-6 Donor notes: "Wayland 1935+36 Ann coasting (sled + Austin) Feb 1935 Alice (4 weeks old) April 5, 1935 Transplanting Red Cedar May 25, 1935 Ann + Margot u...
31) 2313.0040 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 40
Cruise South in Cirrus with Ted- 1935 The yacht Cirrus is a Fisher Island Sound 31 class sloop, sail number 11 with a distinctive red hull. She was built at Herreshoff Manuf...
Next 36