9 work results

18) 0885.0006 [Alfred Pfister--home movies] Reel 006
Donor's notes and NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 6: Farm. Swans. Horses running through fields. Cows. Dappled horses. Swans, water wheel. Farm equipment. Tractor ca.1920s. Sprayin...
36) 0897.0001-.0013 [Unobskey--home movies]
[Unobskey--home movies] are scenes of Jewish family life in Calais, ME, spanning four decades. Footage includes graduations, birthday parties and other family celebrations, ice ...
7) 1327.0007 [Whipple--home movies] Reel 7
Reel 7: "Quick scenes from Dr Kaligari." (15:44). Pan. Neighborhood. Man climbs down ladder leaning on house. Backyards. Telephone wires. Inside building now, very dark. Group o...
16) 1327.0008 [Whipple--home movies] Reel 8
Reel 8: Pan field in snow. Tiny silhouettes of people walking, skiing. Right pan of parking lot to shot of hood in foreground. (Tremendous depth of field in shot.) CU man skiing...
45) 1327.0013 [Whipple--home movies] Reel 13
Reel 13: Baby on porch in four wheeled walker. Moves about MD gestures to the left and right. Two boys dressed in black and wearing berets enter frame and scootch down to get in...
47) 1327.0015 [Whipple--home movies] Reel 15
Reel 15: Children peeking under fence at cows in pasture. CU women in flapper styled hats. Man speaking. Woman now closing eyes. Couple kissing. Man wipes womans mouth they kiss...
10) 1327.0016 [Whipple--home movies] Reel 16
Reel 16: Pan snowy yard in winter. Man shoveling. CU baby. CU dog. LS boy throwing snowballs. CU boy. Mouth and nose. Sticking out tongue. CU man smoking. Woman cuts through fra...
4) 1327.0017 [Whipple--home movies] Reel 17
Reel 17: Fade in. Young girl speaking to camera. Driving down road. Man now standing in center of road. (Still camera.) Another man enters frame. Shakes other man's hand. Car dr...
32) 1469.0019 [John K. Howard--home movies] Reel 19
NHF cataloguer's notes, 6/97: Reel 19: Cars. (46:00) Woman is in back seat of car. Another woman is with her. Both emerge from the car and head up steps of brick home. Man appea...
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