20 work results

1) 1963.0001 [Medomak Camp] Reel 1
Scenes of the surrounding countryside with the camp in the distance. Footage of workers raising large tents at Senior Camp. Two shots of the camp grounds. A train arrives. S...
2) 1963.0002 [Medomak Camp] Reel 2
A few shots of campers and counselors posing for their tent group photograph. Footage of campers doing morning calisthenics and then playing, swimming, diving, and rowing in a...
5) 1963.0005 [Medomak Camp] Reel 5
Footage of the Rangers loading up their truck and leaving Camp Medomak, including a shot of a big send-off at Senior Camp. A few shots of Rangers stopping and unloading the tru...
4) 1963.0006 [Medomak Camp] Reel 6
Reel 6 contains footage of two canoe trips taken by Frank Poland, his wife Grace, their companions and their guides, one of whom is Ross McKenney. The first trip is on the West...
730) 1963.0009 [Medomak Camp] Reel 9
A shot of a portage, boys carrying their boats and gear across land. A shot of boys at a camp site. Two shots of boys paddling canoes intercut with a shot of a deer running ou...
732) 1963.0011 [Medomak Camp] Reel 11
A few shots of boys rowing canoes past a causeway. Footage of boys rowing and pulling their boats through a river full of pulp, including a shot of a boy taking a photograph and...
12) 1963.0012 [Medomak Camp] Reel 12
Two shots of cubs and counselors saluting the flag at Cub Camp flag raising. Cubs playing in the water, on a platform and on the Ark during Cub Swim with counselor George W. “P...
14) 1963.0014 [Medomak Camp] Reel 14
A shot of Frank Poland shaking the hand of a driver of a truck. A shot of the truck with six canoes on top leaving Camp Medomak. A shot of the truck and Rangers at a gas stati...
9) 1963.0015a [Medomak Camp] Reel 15a
Two shots of group pictures. Two shots of flag raising at Senior Camp. Footage of boys swimming, playing and diving in the water during Senior swim. Footage of Seniors pract...
16) 1963.0015b [Medomak Camp] Reel 15b
Footage of Rangers on a trip, including a shot of a truck with canoes on top, Rangers consulting a map, a sign that reads, “Dudley Trail” and one below it with, “A.M.C. Dudley T...
17) 1963.0017 [Medomak Camp] Reel 17
A shot of a sign that reads, “Medomak Cub Camp” with a wooden bear on each side. A shot of the farm house. A shot of flowers. A few shots of the camp. A shot of cubs walking...
12) 1963.0018 [Medomak Camp] Reel 18
Footage of Rangers viewing a map and choosing paddles outside the trip shack with Tom Sinclair and another counselor. Footage of Rangers on a pier practicing rowing techniques....
19) 1963.0019 [Medomak Camp] Reel 19
Footage of William J. “Rockey” Brooks showing campers a loon’s nest with an egg in it. Footage of a track meet at Cub Camp with counselors Tot Hoople, Eric Sterling (with blond...
23) 1963.0022 [Medomak Camp] Reel 22
Footage of Rangers in aluminum canoes on a river, including canoes being roped through some rapids. A few shots of lumberjacks pulling pulp wood from the water as Rangers pole ...
23) 1963.0023 [Medomak Camp] Reel 23
Footage of Rangers in canoes on the St. John River, including a shot of them rowing under a bridge in Fort Kent, ME, at the end of their trip. Footage of a baseball game at Sen...
16) 1963.0025 [Medomak Camp] Reel 25
Footage of a canoe trip, including men and boys in canoes, boys shooting a sluice in canoes, a shot of fish laid out on a canoe, men and boys building a wooden structure along t...
17) 1963.0026 [Medomak Camp] Reel 26
A shot of boys pulling a canoe through an abundance of pulp logs floating in the water. A shot of boys pulling a canoe through a sluice in a dam. A few shots of boys pulling a...
18) 1963.0027 [Medomak Camp] Reel 27
A few shots of young campers and counselors engaged in an activity. Footage of boys and girls in a swim meet. Footage of boys and girls and a few men and women at a dance. Fo...
750) 1963.0028 [Medomak Camp] Reel 28
Two shots of Cubs running and getting into a truck. Footage of campers exploring a fort, including Cubs being lowered into a hole in the ground, eating lunch, playing on a cann...
30) 1963.0029 [Medomak Camp] Reel 29
Footage of girls’ camp, including girls running various kinds of races, such as a three-legged race, performing a synchronized swimming routine as a crowd watches from the shore...
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