10 work results

16) 0669.0001 King Spruce
Logging film including axe sharpening, chopping trees, horse pulling logs, Lombard log hauler, rolling logs with Peaveys, men going to lunch, cutting ice, bulldozer, boat, boom,...
1) 1226.0001 Woodsmen and River Drivers: Another Day, Another Era (Edit Master)
Documentary. Interviews with veterans of the logging industry including former loggers, former lumber company office worker, working forester. Includes Alfred Ames's 1930 loggin...
2) 1226.0002 Woodsmen and River Drivers: Another Day, Another Era (Protection Master)
Documentary. Interviews with veterans of the logging industry including former loggers, former lumber company office worker, working forester. Includes Alfred Ames's 1930 loggin...
3) 1226.0003 Woodsmen and River Drivers: Another Day, Another Era
Documentary. Interviews with veterans of the logging industry including former loggers, former lumber company office worker, working forester. Includes Alfred Ames's 1930 loggin...
2) 1250 [NHF Compilation: 'river driving selections']
1990 NHF compilation of river driving footage dating from 1906, taken from four collections. This tape contains excerpts from: 1. Library of Congress Paper Print Collection, Log...
84) 1442 [So You Want To Be a Woodsman? production masters]
Video production materials for NHF 's 'So You Want To Be a Woodsman?' 1. VHS assembly tape dated 9/3/96 (? min.), containing: a. It Pays To Be Trained b. It's Not the Axe, It's ...
85) 1442.0001 So You Want to be a Woodsman?
Edited Betacam SP master for NHF 's 'So You Want To Be a Woodsman?.'
27) 1463.0001 Ice Harvesting Sampler (Production Materials)
1991 NHF compilation of archival ice harvesting footage from several collections that date 1920s-1940s. 'This compilation shows newsreel and amateur footage of ice harvesting on...
34) 1479.0001 Backcountry: Machias
Production using 66 seconds of NHF archival footage from Stump to Ship: five day trip down Machias River. This copy of the program without final credits. Program dated 8/9/96. O...
1) 8147 [Kinetoscope Films: 'Winter Logging in Maine' and other Kinetoscope films]
Compilation tape of three Thomas A. Edison Co. films produced in 1912. Brief initial sound/color segment of the tape (which was proposed for a WCVB-TV Chronicle program) shows p...
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