109 work results

3) 0158.0001 The Ladies Travel South, 1928--Edward Farrington Abbott--home movies. Reel 1
'Cushman southern No. 1' ;First of four reels on a trip to the South. NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96: (10 min.) 'The Ladies Travel South, a four reel picture of scenes from Pinehurst, N.C. to the Mississip...
10) 0660.0004 Nice, Algiers, Paris. Reel 2.
Title, 'Florence--Eastertime Procession of the Holy Light.' Parade. 'Easter Monday Procession Signa (near Florence).' // Date from edge code. // Men with banners. 'Paris in the ...;A woman feeding a monkey (rhesus macaque?) sitting on a metal roof. Shot of the monkey in a tree. Title, with a still image of a man and woman standing near trees: 'Florence -- ...
15) 0713.0002 [Elizabeth Thompson Reed--home movies] Reel [2]
Amateur footage. Particularly good depiction of women interacting with affection. NHF cataloguing notes, 7/97 for Reel [2]: (9:50) Women at house, holding a cat. Man with bowler...
8) 0760.0002 [Water Sports Day at the Rangeley Lake Hotel]
1932 date code on film. // Title card: 'Water Sports Day at the Rangeley Lake Hotel, August 13, 1932.' 'Photographed, edited and titled by Harrie B. Coe.' 'Can you find yourself...
13) 0822.0011 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 11
Nova Scotia – Tree harvesting 1967 [August] Nova Scotia – Tree Roy Strong – Pipes trip home – camping Gladys, LaFlammes (Corda, Ken, Mauries, [illegible] on beach bag pipe parad...;Panning shot of houses along the shore. Landscape filmed from a roadside overlook. People exiting a house. A woman crossing a bridge. People on the beach. (Antigonish, Nova Scot...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 11 (1967): -Nova Scotia – Gladys and Walter visiting friends or work conference?
13) 96-034.0013 Italy, Austria, France, 1931--Oscar R. Houston--home movies. Reel 13
Compiled black-and-white home movies, edited with intertitles, of the Houston family's travels in Italy, Austria, and France, 1931, including footage in Venice, Fulpmes, Caen, a...;Intertitle: "The Lido" Beach scenes, swimming, boys on pedal-powered, surf-riding vehicle, boaters coming ashore. Intertitle: "The Lake of Garda" Intertitle: "Fete at Fulpmes...
76) 1023.0002 Stocking trout, clambake, boat parade, 1940-1941--Cameron A. Rae--home movies. Reel 2
"Sunsets, Clambake, Fish, Durke" ;Compiled reel of black-and-white and color home movies including scenes of a festive boat parade, a clambake, and trout stocking in Massachusetts.;Black and white section: Woman in fur collared coat with parcels, man in long coat and pipe, row of cars parked outside a cabin. Cut to a sequence depicting trout stocking and ...
33) 1023.0006 Sunsets, building on fire, boat parade, 1939-1949--Cameron A. Rae--home movies. Reel 6
Compiled reel of various color home movie scenes shot circa 1939-1949, including many sunsets, a building on fire, family scenes, and a festive boat parade.;Sunset scenes. Cut to daylight, man and two women posing in long coats with scenic fall backdrop of forest, sea, islands. Cut to dramatic shots of a building on fire, in advan...
9) 1025.0005 [Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies] Reel 5
Women in dresses and bonnets in a carriage. A man in period dress. People pose for the camera, wearing 18th century dress. A boy riding an antique bicycle (penny-farthing/veloci...
14) 1108.0055 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 055
Reel 55: Archie Stewart can notes: Temporary placement of pictures received April 1940. 1. Parade. 2. Puppies. 3. Flowers. 4. Snow. 5. Trees. 6. Northrop as a girl. 7. Bird from...;Screening notes: WS of parade. Parked cars in FG, uniformed men on horseback. WS of people waiting for parade, women wave. VS parade, firemen, band, police, girl scouts. VS flow...
3) 1108.0077 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 077
NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 77: Archie Stewart can notes: Moving picture scrapbook. Blimp. Fish Grand Lake. Picnic Curtises. Chas. Beasleys P.D. Army Navy Train. RNG shoveli...;Screening notes: Appears to be compilation reel of outtakes. Intertitle: Indoor Sports -- Editing Films. MS of young Archie in dressing gown, seated at table with projector, win...
12) 1108.0148 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 148
Reel 148: Archie Stewart can notes: 1) camp 13-26 May 1964. 2) Decoration Day parade (with Brownie MLWB)? 3) Arrival of Hafers. 4) Swans with babies. 5) Farwell family reunion a...;Mary Stewart Hafer notes: Archie's grandchildren in camp at The Thoroughfare, between West Grand Lake and Pocumcus Lakes. Ann & Reg Sauls are also there. Earl Bonness is gui...
16) 1311.0006 [Helen V. Bird--home movies] Reel 6
1952 to 53. June 1953 [?] of ma's funeral. Summer 1953. Dec 1953 Willard School in Xmas parade.;A group of children pose for the camera. A man and a girl (Janice) in a car. An older man in a suit poses with a bride. The bride and a bridesmaid leaving the house. Children ge...
8) 1318.0018 Friends, Ronan sworn judge, 1938--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 18
Compiled color home movies of friends and judges in the Massachusetts courts; includes a civic event attended by Governor Hurley and others.;Written on can: "Sept. 1938 Friends, Judges...Ronan, Cox, Lummus";Reviewed 8/23/65 first really good all color, 27 years old! A- FRIENDS JUDGES Sept. 1938 new excellent title SAMOGRAMS C.J. Fields + wife (Miss Mont[...]H.S. teacher) Gov (to b...;Main title: “Samograms” card surrounded by flowers. CUs of people. Meeting, American flag. One child, various adults. Woman in checked outfit with striped feather in her ha...
7) 1361.0001 [Lester Adams, M.D.--home movies] Reel 1
Can note: 'Western Maine Sanitarium 1933.' //;Western Maine Sanatorium Fourth of July parade with minstrel show, old automobiles, people in costume. Closeup of minstrel players in blackface. Men, women, boys, and girls comp...
16) 1361.0002 [Lester Adams, M.D.--home movies] Reel 2
Can note: '#2--1934.' //;1934 Fourth of July celebration. Credits at head. Main entrance of Western Maine Sanatorium. Scenic shots of Sanatorium buildings and mountains. Sign over one door reads "The Li...
17) 1361.0003 [Lester Adams, M.D.--home movies] Reel 3
Can note: 'July 4th 1935 in Colors.' //;First 350 feet are severely faded color - image is completely red. All preservation elements were made in b&w. // Fourth of July parade at Western Maine Sanatorium. Woman we...
33) 1515.0040 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 40
Two shots of a wooden structure on a bridge. A shot of children writing on paper outside. Footage of a pond with stones set in it forming a pathway across and people crossing ...
19) 1515.0046 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 46
A shot of clouds and water taken from a plane. Intertitle: “A glimpse of the mountains and the sea on the South Coast of Kyushu” A few shots of a garden pond and the surroundi...
19) 1515.0066 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 66
Reel 66 contains footage that was used for Charles S. Houston’s series of talks, “Fifty Years of Going Higher,” which relates to a study on the effects of high altitude on human...
21) 1584.0013 [Estella Doughty--home movies] Reel 13
Box notes: 'Parade at Freedom June 18, 1977, Bruce on the Honda July 11, 1977';Tacking up the horses at the farm in Freedom. A woman (Jean) gets on a horse and other woman with her blond hair in a bun (Dee) helps her. Cut to a parade in Freedom. Floats ...;Notes from viewing with family (mostly Julia Raven, with some input from Mark and Dee): Jean on a horse. That is Dee Dee with the bun Freedom parade. The horses are Granger, Ca...
3) 1612.0003 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 3
Footage of a parade of people in mid-to-late 19th century American period dress, including men and women riding horses, oxen pulling carts, horses and carriages, vintage automob...;Notes on can: “Narrow Gauge RR”
10) 1612.0005 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 5
Footage of a parade, including various marchers with flags and banners, people on bicycles, marching bands, cars, trucks, tractors, floats and shots of the crowd. A group shot ...;Notes on can: “Casco Days Parade; Naples Parade; Boy Scouts; Buck Austin Fishing; Salmon Jumping @ Edes Falls.”
24) 1612.0015 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 15
A shot of a small town. A shot of a picture of a boat with a caption that reads, “Water Sports - Thrills!” Footage of boats on the water intercut with seaplanes taking off fro...;Notes on can: “Naples Centennial”
20) 1612.0019 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 19
A few shots of cadets posing at the Kentucky Military Institute in Venice, FL. Footage of a sculpture garden with a small pond. A shot of a marching band. A shot of a convoy ...;Notes on can: “Fla. No. 2”
29) 1612.0021 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 21
Compiled home movie reel including footage of the 1939-1940 New York World's Fair.;Notes on can: “Songo River Naples F.D. Sunset Fla. Oranges Silver Springs Hollywood, Fla. Mardi Gras N.Y. World’s Fair, Wayside Inn, Etc.”;Footage of the Songo River in Naples, ME, including a ferry boat marked “Songo” full of people passing through a lock, a derelict boat on the bank, people in small sailboats and...
9) 1612.0022 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 22
Footage of men in a forest in the hills, including men exiting a small cabin, collecting water from a stream and drinking directly from a stream. A few shots of a group of peop...
3) 1612.0026 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 26
Footage of a parade of boy scouts, including a few groups of marching soldiers and marching bands. Footage of workers at the Civilian Conservation Corps camp in Bridgton, ME, c...;Notes on can: “Accent on Youth” “Camporee at Norway - ris [sic] 1940 CCC Camp Boys Climb Schools Education Week”
28) 1612.0028 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 28
Footage of a woman exploring houses and other structures in a wooded area, including the woman taking pictures of a house damaged by fire and a boy scout holding flowers. A few...;Notes on can: “Naples - early shots - ice cutting wall - etc. 16” “Moose Pond - Parade Bridgton - Rope Tow - Plane no ice cutting”
29) 1612.0029 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 29
Footage of antique cars, including people having a picnic nearby some parked cars, cars driving through a covered bridge, shots of covered bridges and several antique cars parke...
49) 1612.0031 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 31
Footage of an antique car, intercut with a man getting out of an army ultralight helicopter with a police escort and waving to the crowd, including another man shaking hands and...
32) 1638.0005 Princeton Reunion, the P-rade--Robert N. Lupfer--home movies. Reel 5
Robert N. Lupfer graduated from Princeton in 1909. This may be his 20th reunion. Car and POV from windshield driving in countryside. Arrival at stone building with clock tow...
7) 1638.0007 Dude ranch vacation--Robert N. Lupfer--home movies. Reel 7
Boy in cap on bridge in city. The visit to a dude ranch may be a guest ranch near Wickenburg, AZ, as the following reel includes the Remuda Ranch Rodeo held in Wickenburg. Du...

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