9 work results

30) 0729.0074 [Hospital & Portland Scenes]
Date from edge code on film. // Miscellaneous footage. Announcer at soundboard reading into microphone, adjusts knobs. Exterior of school? Nurse at work, hospital call button be...
30) 1140.0334 [Penobscot Bay Medical Center]
Construction of Penobscot Bay Medical Center in Rockport is ahead of schedule. Executive Director Wheeler speaks about services that the Center will offer to the midcoast region.
3) 1140.0362 [Waterville Hospitals Merge]
Exterior of Thayer Hospital and Seton Hospital. Two hospitals will consolidate services. Interview with Doctor Beaupre (sp?) about the benefits of consolidation, including incre...
32) 1140.0467 [Bob Denver Visits EMMC]
Bob Denver (Gilligan) tours the pediatric ward of Eastern Maine Medical Center. Interview with Denver about his recent move to Maine and future acting roles.
33) 1140.0470 [St. Joseph Hospital Tour]
Children tour St. Joseph Hospital.
2) 1140.0834 [EMMC Abortion Policy]
Report on abortion procedure at Eastern Maine Medical Center. Hospital will perform abortions under general operating conditions.
35) 1140.2486 [Blue Hill Memorial Hospital]
Blue Hill Memorial Hospital announces students from Brown University Medical School will be doing a six-week community medicine elective at the hospital. Interview with Dean of ...
36) 1140.3117 [Hospital Association on Costs]
Maine Hospital Association officials discuss healthcare costs, conservation of hospital funds.
9) 1140.3417 [Saint Joseph Hospital]
Exterior of hospital. Footage of patient in bed. Interview with nurse about beds and risk of infection. Footage of operating rooms, surgery at Saint Joseph Hospital.
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