4 work results

20) 0306 cat. 0004-02-WABI-57 Governor Edmund S. Muskie Inauguration
Augusta: Edmund Muskie's inaugural speech as governor of Maine includes Maine's natural resources, the farm economies, fish and game, forests and clean water, fair labor laws, c...
2) 0385 cat.1028-10-WABI-63 Muskie
Senator Edmund S. Muskie speaks to the camera from behind a desk on selling Maine potatoes to the Soviet Union. Economic and political aspects. Says, 'we can bury them agricultu...
2) 1461 Maine's TV Time Machine
General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor Historical Society/WABI Collection. Compiles WABI-TV, Bangor news and commercials from the 1950s and 1960s. Includes segments o...
2) 5459-01-NHFC-87 Claws
Humor tape: Tim Sample and Benny and Denise Reehl embark on a coastal safari in search of lobsters. Sample sells Reehls needless lobster hunting paraphernalia. Reehls are stoppe...
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