14 work results

6) 0700.0001 [Central Maine Power footage] Reel 1 Acccession 0700
Footage of construction crew and supervisors building a wood stave penstock at a power station. A penstock is a sluice or gate or intake structure that controls water flow, or a...
2) 0700.0002 [Central Maine Power footage] Reel 2 Accession 0700
Pan of a long power production building, seen through transmission lines, transformers and water pipes, to three large water tanks. CUs of the various outdoor parts of the powe...
36) 0700.0005 [Central Maine Power footage] Reel 5 Accession 0700
Title on box: "Wyman #1 construction movies. Reel #2. First construction. Cousins Island and electrical installation. 1957" Aerial footage of the power installation at Cousins...
23) 0700.0007 [Central Maine Power footage] Reel 7 Accession 0700
Intertitle: "Central Maine Power Co. lays submarine cable across mouth of Kennebec River to Popham Beach, June 7, 1938." Intertitle: " Cable manufactured by Simplex Wire & Cabl...
5) 0823 Babcock-Ultra Power Plants
One of seventeen advertisements submitted as Bangor Advertising Awards Entries, 1989-1990 to 1990 Kane Awards show: client Maine Power Services, title 'Babcock-Ultra Power Plant...
12) 1510.0001 Bangor Hydroelectric Company: Really-History
Promotional tape for Bangor Hydroelectric Company. Includes NHF archival footage from BHS/WABI Collection, Everett Foster Collection, and Bangor Hydroelectric Company ('Basin C ...
7) 1764.0001 Light from the River, The
VHS reference tape. Includes footage from 'From Stump to Ship,' 'Knox County on Parade,' 'Maine's TV Time Machine,' 'All But Forgotten,' and Archie Stewart Collection. ONSITE RE...
8) 1767.PC1-.PC7 Home: The Story of Maine
VHS copies of Maine history series produced by Maine public television. Approximately 30 minutes each. Backup copies for titles in Reference by Mail collection. 1999 Series: Pro...
2) 1798.0001 The New Veazie C Station / Basin Mills: Energy for the Future
ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY. Appears to be of same provenance as Acc. 1703, but was not included in original accession. No additional paperwork done (Deposit agreement for 1703 signed...
2) 2197.0001 [Milford Baker Films] Reel 1
Wyman Dam construction. View of icy mountains and dam. A very large drill. A man operating a very large machine. Men on scaffolding. View of dam being constructed. Wide sho...
11) 2197.0002 [Milford Baker Films] Reel 2
Wyman Dam construction. Birds-eye view of men working in maze of machinery and wood. Shot of still water and buildings (Daggetville, Maine?). Man operating machine.
3) 2197.0003 [Milford Baker Films] Reel 3
Wyman Dam construction. Railroad crane taking large metal bin from rail car over to men working on the dam. Crane brings car back, rail car departs.
4) 2197.0004 [Milford Baker Films] Reel 4
Wyman Dam construction. Close-up of large piece being lowered and put onto dam wall.
24) 2197.0005 [Milford Baker Films] Reel 5
Wyman Dam construction. Dam with rushing water. Wide view of dam. People picnicking. Woman gathers brush or flowers. Return to shot of rushing water and dam.
Next 36